Friday, July 18, 2008

Frankly Miss Scarlett......

Can you smell the magnolias in full bloom? Picture the elegant, grand, double staircase that flows so picturesquely into the grand foyer ( pronuounced "Foy yay " if you are truly "Southern") of Tara......Miss Scarlett, with her 19 inch waist, her emerald green dress and corset which perfectly matches her deep green eyes, "floats" gracefully down each mahogany step......can you see it??? Well, that AIN"T me!!!!

Yes, my name is Scarlett, and Yes, I was named after "her".....what can I say....My Mom was a true "Gone with the Wind" freak! And while I must admit I really like my name....although many folk fail to spell it correctly....the similarities between me and the iconic character created decades ago are far and few between!! I do have a beautiful staircase that flows into my foyer...but that is about as far as the similarities go!! My waist is not, and will never be 19 eyes are blue....I look extremely nauseted when I wear green....and I NEVER float gracefully....anywhere, anytime.....Ask anybody who has ever been in a theatrical production with me!!! Who else...but me....could break her foot being chased by "a fork" during the choreography of "Beauty and the Beast".....oh yeah....and my notorious "Pit Dive" on dress rehearsal night of "Honky Tonk Angels".....( out cold, 11 staples in my head....but the show still "went on" opening night!!!) Gracefulness.....yeah, I run a little short in that department.......

But GRACE....on the other hand.....well that is a completly different story.....My theory is that the Lord knew I needed EXTRA he balanced "my genetic make up" with a little less of the ability to glide, and float, and move about elegantly!!!

I am so thankful for the amazing, wonderful saving GRACE of God.....and as you follow my blogging journey......hopefully you will see it in my words, hear it in my stories, and feel it as I express my thoughts.......

My wish for you today is that you will feel His Grace cover you as magnificently as the lilac and lace parasol that my namesake used to block the sun from her perfect porcelin complexion....that you will recognize it....rejoice in it....feel safe beneath it....and share it.....maybe with a good friend over a "Mint Juliep"....that would SO be a "Scarlett" thing!!

Blessings Ya'll!


Unknown said...


I read a number of bloggers on a variety of subjects and I think it's really cool that you are now part of the blogsphere.

Thanks for invitation!


Melanie Turner said...

OMG! I finally met the other person the planet that loves the movie "What About Bob!" I can't believe it's must be my soulmate. Everytime it comes on, I ask William to watch it & he never finds the humor. I know what we're doing the next time we get together!

Our 25th Wedding Anniversay in NYC

Tuesday Morning Mammo Photo

Tuesday Morning Mammo Photo
Are you sure that is my boobie pic hanging up on that wall???

How Bountiful Are Your Gifts, Oh Lord!


On the beach at Litchfield