Sunday, January 11, 2009

What God Has NOT Given Us Y'all!!!!

Hey Y'all! In case I have not told you in the last few months, let me just say thanks for stopping in on occasion to read this blog! Because I have a counter, I know there are lots and lots of folks who read, even if they do not always make a comment. I realize that I honestly do not have time to do a blog, but feel strongly led by the Lord to do so, and I just love pondering from week to week as to what He wants me to gab about! Sometimes He just lays a topic heavily on my heart, sometimes the ideas are spurred from a conversation with a friend, and sometimes they simply reflect where I am in my daily life. Whatever the catalyst, I earnestly pray that He will use my bantering to touch, bless, or encourage the reader. Even if it is just one.

I had to miss our regular church services yesterday because I have some sort of cold/virus. Nothing horrible, but I did have a fever, and did not want to share whatever it is with the church family I love so much! I really hated missing yesterday! We had the closing Solemn Assembly service. (See last post) I worked very hard to get the set just right last week. Couldn't wait to see folks nailing their burdens to the huge 13 ft. cross I lugged center stage!! What a cool idea......physically, although symbolically, laying all our cares, worries, longings, and fears at the foot of the cross. Realizing that God loves us so much that he sent his only son to die on a cross, so that we might live! Jesus said," I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly". - John 10:10

As I continued to fast sugar, pray, and think about what God was calling me to lay at his feet or commit to change this Sunday.....I pondered several things. Some small, some not so small. Some burdens that I have carried for years, and some fears acquired by simply listening to the news and other sources that emphasize how fragile they believe we have currently become as a nation. The latter being really heavy stuff that I have lived enough life to realize that I have absolutely zero control over!

It is not that I am not concerned, or that I plan to just sit back and forfeit my right as an American citizen to make my voice heard. Not at all. I love being heard!! Nope, my lack of panic is more about that big ole cross I lugged center stage this week. (Well, technically not THAT cross, but THE cross....y'all know what I mean!) Go back and read John 10:10 again. He came that we might have life more abundantly! Does that mean that we will not have turmoil, sorrow, concerns? Definitely not!! That big ole cross just means that He loves us so much that NO MATTER what comes our way, He will handle it. Period.

Precious ones, don't let the fear of the unknown blind you from the blessings of the One we know as our Savior and Lord Jesus! He can handle it ALL.....I promise! How can we be a witness of the hope and love and trust that we have in our Lord if we cannot live it in our lives everyday? This is one of Satan's greatest tools y'all!!

One of the most incredible promises of the word that I cling to daily is this: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7

In preparation for yesterday's service, all of last week, I "Just said no to Sugar" and searched and prayed. As a result, I was convicted that one of the things I would have physically nailed to that cross yesterday, (instead, I relinquished in my heart) was to "Just say no to Fear"....."God hath NOT given us the spirit of fear".....

And if He did not see fit to give to me, I surely must not need it!!!

Fearless Blessings, Y'all!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just Saying No to Sugar! Yikes!

Nope, I know what you are thinking...but this is not just another New Year's resolution post. Although it probably should be! Like a gazillion other folks who started the New Year with their britches too tight, I did vow to start eating better and exercising more in 2009. Actually, I was anxious for Monday, January 5th, 2009 to get here. I was ready to start! I have about 40 pounds that I accrued in 2008 that need to become obsolete in 2009! So, anxious I was to start the ball rolling! After all, with my weight would not be the first time....and most likely not the last!

However, on Sunday January 4th, we had week one (of two) of our Solemn Assembly services at our church. I was not familiar with the concept, but found it to be pretty cool....and also a good way to start the New Year! For me, it encouraged me to audit, digest, and prioritize not only my spiritual condition, but also my mental, social, and physical condition. As part of the service, we were asked (if medically able) to fast......maybe a meal a day....maybe a certain food....maybe a certain habit or hobby. By fasting, we would be giving up something that we wanted or desired or had become accustomed order to substitute prayer or contemplation in it's place at that time. Hopefully the fast would help us search, appreciate, and feel differently about the blessings God bestows, and to refocus on the path He has planned for us. So I decided to fast sugar.

At first, I kind of thought I might be cheating a bit.....because honestly, I was itching to start my new healthier lifestyle the next day anyway! But as I thought about it and prayed about it.....I really felt like it was my best choice. Day one was a piece of cake (or should I say a piece of sugar free cake!)....I had zero added sugar. I was very careful to read labels for any kind of sugar content. Today was not that bad either....EXCEPT...when the check was delivered to our lunch table at Olive Garden (I had soup and salad)...the waitress left us those yummy little chocolate mints...NOT sugar free! I really wanted one of those little buggers.

But, I left them on the table. However, the thought of them lingered in my mind and my heart for the rest of the day. Whodda thunk a itty bitty little ole Andes mint could hold so much power over a gregarious, strong as an ox, self determined follower of Christ!!! But it did!

Hello??? Even if I get nothing else out of the Solemn Assembly services, I learned this little diddy today: Anything that has power over me....hobby, habit, or matter how good or how purposeful, how big or how small....If it draws constant focus to "IT" instead of Christ and the plans He has in store for me, then my priorities are WRONG.

Now don't you go thinking that I think one little Andes mint will keep someone from passing through the pearly gates,...of course not! God created that little mint. He is the creator of all things. Great food, awesome music, jobs, exercise regimes and even sugar :) It is only when those things find a spot higher on our priority list than loving and pleasing God that they become a problem.

I have 5 more days that I have vowed to "Just Saying NO to Sugar".....and although that is a very good dietary thing for me to do that I will likely continue....I have found it to be an even better spiritual inventory tool for me to gage where I am right now in my walk. Let me be perfectly honest here....if I had prayed just one minute for every cookie, candy or dessert I ate....just over this past holiday....I know my walk would be stronger! Just telling it like it is folks!

For those of you who read this that are also fasting this week....How is it going? What are you fasting? Better yet...what is God teaching you as you fast?

In the mean time, Just say no y'all!

Our 25th Wedding Anniversay in NYC

Tuesday Morning Mammo Photo

Tuesday Morning Mammo Photo
Are you sure that is my boobie pic hanging up on that wall???

How Bountiful Are Your Gifts, Oh Lord!


On the beach at Litchfield