The unspoken rule of Christmas gift giving in the Knight household has always been that everyone in the house has to get new socks and/or underwear for Christmas. I know, not very fancy, but incredibly useful! They are things we need everyday, but seldom does anyone opt to go out and purchase socks and underwear for themselves....unless it is an emergency...or sometimes if we are packing for vacation, I will use that summer opportunity to augment the sock/undie supply to tide us over until Christmas!
Maybe I brought the tradition over from my extended family. We always knew there were socks and underwear wrapped up under the tree. My Mom made her annual Christmas run to Tomlinson's Wholesale every December.....the best place, according to her, to get the best socks for the best price. All the guys got black and blue and brown dress socks. The girls got either panties, slips or half-slips from the Tomlinson's lingerie department. It was a given. It was expected. And not a single Christmas, while she was still living, did she fail to come through!
This year, I got the most comfy, colorful cashmere socks....and they were pink! So by simply opening the gift and getting a glimpse of the regal, rosy shade, I knew the contents of that package definitely started out on the right foot. (Pardon the sock pun!) I put them on with my new PJ's, and stayed in them most of the day. Such warmth, and comfort. I felt, beautiful, snug, secure and at ease in my nifty new socks. Made me wonder why I only got new ones once a year!
Later in the afternoon, tucked in my recliner, having my quiet time....Yep, I thanked God, among other things, for the new socks. My thought process being that if He supplies the little things, then I should give thanks for them too! It also made me think about the amazing love He has for us, the incredible forgiveness He offers us, and how....like the Knight family sock/underwear tradition....that some folks only experience relationship with Him at Christmas....or in case of emergency :)
God's wonderful gift of grace is accessible every minute of everyday....yet many folks, for whatever reason, opt not to wrap themselves in it often. Talk about feeling at peace, secure and warm! Even my new, fancy pink socks pale in comparison to the gift of His grace.
So again, this year at Christmas, I got new socks. And again, this morning, I got another chance to wrap up in His amazing grace! I'm covered from head to toe....and I like it that way!
Hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas! But more importantly, I hope that you accept what you are offered daily from the child who was born on that day.
Cashmere and Jesus Y'all!
Glad you got new warm and comfy socks. I got the funniest picture of my little girl opening up new panties this Christmas. I'll have to post it.
Isn't God good to us?
Scarlett, you are so gifted. You are not only a child of God, but a gifted writer, beautiful Mother and it sounds like you are Cornerstones Paula Deen, You are truly blessed.
I gotta tell you. You are an amazing writer! Your blog is awesome. You have a gift of presenting things in just the right way to touch someone's heart. How blessed you are! and so amd I to know "who you are" you are awesome to share so much of what you are! Thanks for blessing me with your amazing gift.
Awesome post, Scarlett!! Now, every time I don a new pair of cashmere socks, I'll be reminded of the marvelous, infinite, matchless grace of our Savior!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! May God richly bless you and your family in 2009!
Great story. It's so easy to get overwhelmed with everything else that goes on at Christmas that we often times forget, or at least push to the back of our minds, the real reason why we're celebrating at all.
And thanks for shopping at Tomlinson's too. We really do appreciate it.
Happy New Year!
-Andrew Cannon
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