I love watching tennis! Notice I said watching, not playing. Not that I would really know, as I have never actually played tennis.....Unless you count the Wii...I did play a few games....and was doing pretty well...until...well.... let's just say I kinda got caught up in the game....and I was swinging my Wii racket like a WILD woman...(as if swinging harder would actually help me play better in a video game)....And as a result, I hit my friend smack dab in the top of her head....full force...I'm talking I could almost see the stars and tweedy birds flying around her poor little battered noggin... (I truly am sorry Cindy! The huge knot was not THAT noticeable!)...and I still missed the game point!! I also woke up the next morning with a horrible, acute case of "tennis shoulder"!! I can only imagine what I could hurt if they let me loose on a real tennis court with a real racket and real people! SCARE-REE!!
I got caught up into "spectator tennis" by default. Both of my babies were late summer babies (1987 and 1989)...so in that first month of life, where all they seem to do is nurse....it was too hot to take such a small infant out, so I spent much of my time in front of the the TV, nursing. Mark, my husband, played tennis at the time, and so he started watching the US Open.
"Tennis?? Yuck!!!, Nooooooo", I think was my exact post-partum reply. But I had sat there for what seemed liked days upon days...and had seen most everything I wanted to see, so I let him turn the channel..... I initially only agreed to watch it because I thought Andre Agassi was really hot! But like any good sporting event....if you start to learn the rules and the players, you can easily be "sucked into" the sport....and in no time, I was! I eagerly looked forward to the baby's next feeding! (I think Josh tripled his birth weight before his 3 month check up due to my allowing extended feedings during The Open!)
So by default, (and a little force from my hubby), I ventured down a trail I had no intention of ever trodding....I just knew I would hate it... but, after I quit spitting and complaining,...guess what...I LOVED it!
Many things have changed in the last two decades.....My babies are not nursing anymore....Mark can't seem to find time to play tennis, and Andre Agassi cut his hair!!!! (Completely slashed his "hotness" factor in half for me :).....and I do not particularly like long hair on men...go figure???) But here's the cool thing....I still love to watch tennis and have not missed a US Open or Wimbledon in 21 years!! And to think I would have missed all that enjoyment if it had been left to my own likings and my own design!
Are you feeling forced or trapped into a particular situation in your life right now? Are you taking an unplanned "rabbit trail" that was in no way on your life map and are wondering why? I encourage you to talk to God about it....ask Him what it is you are supposed to be learning...or better yet...ask Him to show you what blessing He has in store for you as you walk along that undesired path. He's right there with you every step of the way.
Gotta scoot...Andy Roddick is down in the third set!!
I sure am thankful God is always in my court.....
Game point, Y'all!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sisterhood of the Traveling Armor
When I was about 11, somewhere in that window of preadolescence where you don't know if you want to play Barbies or put on make up....I remember praying (being the good Baptist girl I was)...for 5 specific things: Straight teeth, boobies, a skinny body (as you can see from the first three on my prayer list, I must have played WAY too much Barbie), to live in a brick house, and to have a sister. (Seeing how my mother was post menopausal and unmarried, I am not sure exactly what I expected the Lord to do about that last one.) Looking back, I see how unrealistic, selfish, and non-kingdom building my prayer list was....but hey, I was 11...so give me a little slack!
Fast forward 35 years...and much to my surprise, I can truthfully say that God granted me everything on my list! Braces fixed the unattractive gap that was between my front teeth, the boobie thing..well, lets just say sometimes God gives you even MORE than you ask for..skinny body...(I have had that 3 times in my life, in 15 minute increments)...seriously...I have been thin...I just cannot seem to STAY thin..but God did allow me that request. He has blessed me and Mark with a beautiful brick home that is far finer than I ever imagined. And lastly...the sister thing....although I did not get a birth sister that shared the same chromosomes as I do...Again, God gave me so much more!! He gave me the opportunity to serve in Women's Ministry.
Women's Ministry has had a special place in my heart for many years now. Having served first on a Women's Ministry Team, and then having the awesome opportunity to be a Women's Ministry Leader for a few years, and now serving on the CBC Women's Ministry Team has enriched my life in unimaginable ways. Bible believing, God loving, on their knees praying, crock pot cooking Baptist Women are a rare (but powerful) breed.
Last night we had over 120 ladies who fed their families, lined up sitters, took time out of their busy lives (on a school night), and braved the after wrath of hurricane Faye to come to our Ladies Kick off. All ages, shapes, sizes, colors, occupations, and demographics were represented. Our theme was "Planting Seeds for a Bountiful Harvest"...and let me say...we have started out with one huge, beautiful bouquet!! I wish I could have talked with everyone at every table! Those I did get to spend a few minutes with, seemed to be having a great time. Eating, laughing, socializing...all the while hearing about all the great opportunities that lie ahead for the ladies of CBC this year. Bible studies, retreats, mentoring opportunities, missions, and other special events...I want to do them all!!! I want to get to know each and every lady...to hear their stories, share their tears and rejoice when they rejoice! I wanted sisters!!! God has given them to me.
Unlike the popular movie that is out right now about "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" (and as an aside...there is NO way one pair of jeans could possibly fit all four of those girls the same...most of us try on a hundred pair to find just one pair that feels right!!)....so unlike the movie where they share one lonely pair of jeans...our sisterhood shares a garment that is "One size fits all"..that being the Armor of God. We can all even wear it at the same time!!
The Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV)
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
The Armor of God Ladies!! Beats Gucci, Versace, or Chanel anyday.
It never says exactly how the pieces of armor are stitched together. I am sure they are held together by the saving blood and amazing grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus. But in my mind...when it comes to Women's ministry, I imagine in my limited little brain, that my armor is also kept securely together by well crafted stitches placed there by the ladies in my life,.... my sisters, who hand stitch me back together everyday with their prayers and support...who rush to my side to mend the cracks that occur when I get hit by the enemy or to repair the rips that occur when I get too big for my britches, and need a little help holding my armor together.
I challenge each of you who read this blog...not just my sisters at CBC... but any of my sisters in Christ...to never underestimate the importance that even the smallest stitch makes!! A kind word, a heartfelt prayer, a hug outta nowhere, a phone call, a warm meal, a simple glance across the worship center that says..."I understand"...all are small....seemingly insignificant stitches that mean more than you may ever know. A little stitch here and there....sister, by sister, can mend the largest of wounds....that my sister, is Women's Ministry.
I love each of you and I thank God for answering the selfish prayer of a Barbie obsessed 11 year old, far beyond what she ever imagined or deserved.
Happy stitching, Y'all!
Fast forward 35 years...and much to my surprise, I can truthfully say that God granted me everything on my list! Braces fixed the unattractive gap that was between my front teeth, the boobie thing..well, lets just say sometimes God gives you even MORE than you ask for..skinny body...(I have had that 3 times in my life, in 15 minute increments)...seriously...I have been thin...I just cannot seem to STAY thin..but God did allow me that request. He has blessed me and Mark with a beautiful brick home that is far finer than I ever imagined. And lastly...the sister thing....although I did not get a birth sister that shared the same chromosomes as I do...Again, God gave me so much more!! He gave me the opportunity to serve in Women's Ministry.
Women's Ministry has had a special place in my heart for many years now. Having served first on a Women's Ministry Team, and then having the awesome opportunity to be a Women's Ministry Leader for a few years, and now serving on the CBC Women's Ministry Team has enriched my life in unimaginable ways. Bible believing, God loving, on their knees praying, crock pot cooking Baptist Women are a rare (but powerful) breed.
Last night we had over 120 ladies who fed their families, lined up sitters, took time out of their busy lives (on a school night), and braved the after wrath of hurricane Faye to come to our Ladies Kick off. All ages, shapes, sizes, colors, occupations, and demographics were represented. Our theme was "Planting Seeds for a Bountiful Harvest"...and let me say...we have started out with one huge, beautiful bouquet!! I wish I could have talked with everyone at every table! Those I did get to spend a few minutes with, seemed to be having a great time. Eating, laughing, socializing...all the while hearing about all the great opportunities that lie ahead for the ladies of CBC this year. Bible studies, retreats, mentoring opportunities, missions, and other special events...I want to do them all!!! I want to get to know each and every lady...to hear their stories, share their tears and rejoice when they rejoice! I wanted sisters!!! God has given them to me.
Unlike the popular movie that is out right now about "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" (and as an aside...there is NO way one pair of jeans could possibly fit all four of those girls the same...most of us try on a hundred pair to find just one pair that feels right!!)....so unlike the movie where they share one lonely pair of jeans...our sisterhood shares a garment that is "One size fits all"..that being the Armor of God. We can all even wear it at the same time!!
The Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV)
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
The Armor of God Ladies!! Beats Gucci, Versace, or Chanel anyday.
It never says exactly how the pieces of armor are stitched together. I am sure they are held together by the saving blood and amazing grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus. But in my mind...when it comes to Women's ministry, I imagine in my limited little brain, that my armor is also kept securely together by well crafted stitches placed there by the ladies in my life,.... my sisters, who hand stitch me back together everyday with their prayers and support...who rush to my side to mend the cracks that occur when I get hit by the enemy or to repair the rips that occur when I get too big for my britches, and need a little help holding my armor together.
I challenge each of you who read this blog...not just my sisters at CBC... but any of my sisters in Christ...to never underestimate the importance that even the smallest stitch makes!! A kind word, a heartfelt prayer, a hug outta nowhere, a phone call, a warm meal, a simple glance across the worship center that says..."I understand"...all are small....seemingly insignificant stitches that mean more than you may ever know. A little stitch here and there....sister, by sister, can mend the largest of wounds....that my sister, is Women's Ministry.
I love each of you and I thank God for answering the selfish prayer of a Barbie obsessed 11 year old, far beyond what she ever imagined or deserved.
Happy stitching, Y'all!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Obsessions, Obituaries, and Old Friends
OK, so here is another sign that I am getting older.....I make sure to read the obituaries everyday. Yes, I admit it, I am an OOC (obsessive obituary checker)...Not to come across as morbid or anything....but I do try to read them everyday...(just another thing to add to my list of other OCD behaviors...like double checking that my car is locked....I have abused that poor little clicker to death!). But here's the deal....many of the parents of my friends are getting older and are going on to be with Jesus....and having lost my Mom a few years back, I realize how much it means to have folks there for you at such devastating times.
Because of the seemingly endless craziness of my life, my Aunt Sadie, whom I love dearly, also afflicted with OOC....actually hers is a little more advanced than mine and has progressed to MOOC (marathon obsessive obituary checker), usually calls me when she sees someone listed that I might know. She reads her paper promptly at 7am each morning.....and she knows I typically do not find time to get the paper out of my box until after dinner.....So unfortunately, there have been times that I have missed services due to my ORT (obituary reading tardiness)....Do people not understand how it throws all of us with OOC into a tailspin when the obituary is only in there for one day?
Well, she called me EARLY Wednesday morning, to let me know that one of my best friends from Junior High School had lost her Mom, and that her visitation was at 6pm that night. My heart just dropped....I knew Mrs. Ann had been ill, but I also had hoped that she would be able to fight the cancer....she was a petite little lady, but she was also a "ball of fire"...and if anyone could beat it, I knew Mrs. Ann was just the candidate! My heart ached for my dear friend.
Because it was a crazy day, I rearranged some meetings, put off some errands, and worked it out so that I could make it to the funeral home by 6pm. Luckily I made it back home in time to change and freshen up. On the way out the driveway, I hurriedly rushed to the paper box to check the obituary in order to make sure I went to the right funeral home.....(my aunt told me the right one, I just needed to feed the OCD monster within and check again)...and I am glad I did!!!
I am happy to say that MY Mrs. Ann is still alive and kicking....she is actually fighting for her life right now through a third round of chemo, SO Y'ALL PRAY FOR HER PLEASE!!!! And never fear, my dear Aunt Sadie has not lost her MOOC status....But by sheer coincidence, there was a Mrs. Ann with the same last name, who had a daughter with the same first name as my friend...it was just another family with similar names..... And while I am sad for their loss, and am so thankful for another day for my friend and her sweet Mom.
I immediately called my friend to let her know what happened....I knew she would want to tell Mrs.Ann....that they would both get a huge kick out of me and my "always in overdrive" self getting all "gussied up" and rushing to the funeral home to pay my respects! (Can you imagine....me.....speeding to the funeral home...signing the book....wondering why I did not know anyone...looking for my friend...not finding her...but still going through the line...paying my respects....and thinking....BOY, Mrs. Ann sure looks "different" but "nice".....It could have been a great disaster, given the circumstances and my big mouth!!)
Later that night, as I was taking off my make up, another memory of Mrs. Ann flooded my mind...she was the person who introduced me to the value of "good" make up...she used Mary Kay,....and on the nights I would spend at their house, Laura and I would always get a short sermonette on why it was important to clean your face properly and wear moisturizer. (Both of which I have continued to do to this day.) Mrs. Ann was always so pretty....so kind....and such a blessing to me...I plan on telling her that face to face as soon as she can have visitors after this last round of chemo.
I hate the fact that I am obsessive/compulsive about locking doors, skin care and obituary reading but not about other things that are more important.....like keeping up with old friends, telling people how much they have meant and continue to mean to me....or better yet, what about making sure every person in my daily path knows Jesus. Now THERE is an obsession.
Unfortunately, my obsessive tendencies, while not curable...are manageable....so here's to upgrading the things I am obsessive/compulsive about!
Let's all strive to be OC for JC!!
Blessings Y'all!
Because of the seemingly endless craziness of my life, my Aunt Sadie, whom I love dearly, also afflicted with OOC....actually hers is a little more advanced than mine and has progressed to MOOC (marathon obsessive obituary checker), usually calls me when she sees someone listed that I might know. She reads her paper promptly at 7am each morning.....and she knows I typically do not find time to get the paper out of my box until after dinner.....So unfortunately, there have been times that I have missed services due to my ORT (obituary reading tardiness)....Do people not understand how it throws all of us with OOC into a tailspin when the obituary is only in there for one day?
Well, she called me EARLY Wednesday morning, to let me know that one of my best friends from Junior High School had lost her Mom, and that her visitation was at 6pm that night. My heart just dropped....I knew Mrs. Ann had been ill, but I also had hoped that she would be able to fight the cancer....she was a petite little lady, but she was also a "ball of fire"...and if anyone could beat it, I knew Mrs. Ann was just the candidate! My heart ached for my dear friend.
Because it was a crazy day, I rearranged some meetings, put off some errands, and worked it out so that I could make it to the funeral home by 6pm. Luckily I made it back home in time to change and freshen up. On the way out the driveway, I hurriedly rushed to the paper box to check the obituary in order to make sure I went to the right funeral home.....(my aunt told me the right one, I just needed to feed the OCD monster within and check again)...and I am glad I did!!!
I am happy to say that MY Mrs. Ann is still alive and kicking....she is actually fighting for her life right now through a third round of chemo, SO Y'ALL PRAY FOR HER PLEASE!!!! And never fear, my dear Aunt Sadie has not lost her MOOC status....But by sheer coincidence, there was a Mrs. Ann with the same last name, who had a daughter with the same first name as my friend...it was just another family with similar names..... And while I am sad for their loss, and am so thankful for another day for my friend and her sweet Mom.
I immediately called my friend to let her know what happened....I knew she would want to tell Mrs.Ann....that they would both get a huge kick out of me and my "always in overdrive" self getting all "gussied up" and rushing to the funeral home to pay my respects! (Can you imagine....me.....speeding to the funeral home...signing the book....wondering why I did not know anyone...looking for my friend...not finding her...but still going through the line...paying my respects....and thinking....BOY, Mrs. Ann sure looks "different" but "nice".....It could have been a great disaster, given the circumstances and my big mouth!!)
Later that night, as I was taking off my make up, another memory of Mrs. Ann flooded my mind...she was the person who introduced me to the value of "good" make up...she used Mary Kay,....and on the nights I would spend at their house, Laura and I would always get a short sermonette on why it was important to clean your face properly and wear moisturizer. (Both of which I have continued to do to this day.) Mrs. Ann was always so pretty....so kind....and such a blessing to me...I plan on telling her that face to face as soon as she can have visitors after this last round of chemo.
I hate the fact that I am obsessive/compulsive about locking doors, skin care and obituary reading but not about other things that are more important.....like keeping up with old friends, telling people how much they have meant and continue to mean to me....or better yet, what about making sure every person in my daily path knows Jesus. Now THERE is an obsession.
Unfortunately, my obsessive tendencies, while not curable...are manageable....so here's to upgrading the things I am obsessive/compulsive about!
Let's all strive to be OC for JC!!
Blessings Y'all!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Melody is Twenty-One Today
It’s a Girl! I can still hear him say
Beautiful, pink, dark hair with a gentle wave
Our first glance, took our breath away
God’s blessed us so, in such a special way
Little Girl, as I watch her play
Hide and seek with little brother, her pig tails sway
Tickle me Daddy, then a story okay?
Little Princess and a brave Knight to save the day
Pretty Girl, almond eyes of sparkling grey
More a woman than a child as she drives away
School and a boyfriend to see to today
Choices call in fascinating ways
Gorgeous Girl, wore a white veil today
Can’t believe how quickly time slips away
Wise beyond her years in many ways
We’re so proud of the choices she’s made
She’s our Girl, we will always say
Beautiful, pink, dark hair with a gentle wave
Every glance still takes our breath away
God’s blessed us so in such a special way
~Happy 21st Birthday Melody! You will always be our little girl!
We love you so much and thank God for you everyday....
It’s a Girl! I can still hear him say
Beautiful, pink, dark hair with a gentle wave
Our first glance, took our breath away
God’s blessed us so, in such a special way
Little Girl, as I watch her play
Hide and seek with little brother, her pig tails sway
Tickle me Daddy, then a story okay?
Little Princess and a brave Knight to save the day
Pretty Girl, almond eyes of sparkling grey
More a woman than a child as she drives away
School and a boyfriend to see to today
Choices call in fascinating ways
Gorgeous Girl, wore a white veil today
Can’t believe how quickly time slips away
Wise beyond her years in many ways
We’re so proud of the choices she’s made
She’s our Girl, we will always say
Beautiful, pink, dark hair with a gentle wave
Every glance still takes our breath away
God’s blessed us so in such a special way
~Happy 21st Birthday Melody! You will always be our little girl!
We love you so much and thank God for you everyday....
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Mentoring, Ministry, and Melanie T.
~The following was written as a part of our upcoming Women's Ministry Kick Off at CBC. Melanie Turner and I have been in a successful mentoring relationship for several years, and we were asked to comment on our experience...the following is my comment.....
God’s timing is perfect. At a point in my life where my kids were spreading their wings, preparing to flee the nest, God sent me a special gift. That gift being the mentoring opportunity with Melanie Turner. Married for only a few years, she still remembered what it felt like to have that unquenchable need to fluently fly into young adulthood. I, on the other hand, having experienced firsthand, the role of the hovering “mother hen” knew exactly where Melanie, who had just given birth to her first son, was about to land!
Who else but God could have paired us together at just the right time? Her prayers, and opinions, and friendship have helped me gracefully unfurl my wings and let my baby birds experience life outside the nest….assuring me that they would always come back when they were hungry. (And she was right.) And I, realizing and remembering and missing the days when my babies were small and up under me all the time, had the opportunity to pray with and encourage and mentor Melanie as she securely tightened her wings around her new little chicks….knowing that her protection was crucial and that the stages of infancy and childhood would pass ever so quickly!
I would not trade anything in the world for the special bond I have with Melanie. It is a friendship based on mutual Godly respect and love. And while we have learned much about God, attending bible studies and worshipping together, the greatest benefit, by far…for me…has been just having her in my life as my friend. Knowing that I could and would call her, and that she could and would call me if we needed anything at all…..Sometimes it is just for fun….sometimes it is about sick little chicks….sometimes it is about bossy momma hens …..but it is always about being there for one another.
So as the New Mother Hen (Melanie) and the Bossy Mother Hen (that would be me), daily tend to our nests, it is nice to know that God has allowed us to perch in the same tree. That as we fly, soar, hover, peck, and sometimes squawk through life, that we always have each other to watch out for one another….whether the sky be peaceful and blue or dark and stormy. We are building our nests together, feather by feather, as God preens us daily to become more like Him.
Melanie, my life is blessed by having you, Will, Cole, and William in it....I love you all dearly.
Spiritual Birds of a feather definitely should flock together....so I challenge each and everyone of you to pray about entering into a mentoring relationship...you will be more than glad that you did...you will be blessed, she will be blessed, and He will be glorified.
Tweet,Tweet Ya'll!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What is Your Passion?
Kidblast was.....well....A BLAST! 100+ adorable kids....acting, singing, moving collectively...having fun and worshipping at the same time! And while I must admit....the camp week was physically and emotionally draining.....it was well worth it! I am so thankful to be part of a church body that has a passion for kingdom growth and is not afraid of being innovative with ministry.....and whose leadership is not only full of faith but is also brave...(brave enough to let the likes of me write the script and direct the show!!! )
Last night after the performance, my family treated me to a celebratory dinner......I was on the edge of my seat as I listened to their feedback about the show...and so glad that they enjoyed it and understood it's value and marveled in it's unusual way of reaching our ministry goal.....
Shortly after the appetizer, our conversation drifted toward career choices. Having a table full of college aged kids...the topic quickly went to what their "major" was or would be. My son's beautiful, smart girlfriend, is at the point in her schooling where she is trying to decide what to declare as her major....... I remember the anguish I felt as a college freshman....thinking that I needed to know immediately....such pressure! What if I made the wrong choice?! Being a child of a one parent household, I felt strongly (my mother felt VERY strongly) that I choose a field that I could support myself should I wind up in a unfortunate situation that required that I be the sole breadwinner......it happened to her....she was widowed at 28 with 2 small kids....she, luckily was a RN, and thus was able provide comfortably for the three of us.
Although I was unsure of what to declare as my major, there was one thing that I knew for certain......I DID NOT, under any circumstance, want to be a nurse.....My Mom worked long hours and shift work, so she was not at home as much as I would have liked....plus I hated the idea of shots, wounds, and any bodily fluid....especially emesis...( AKA Vomit). But I did excel in the sciences....so I chose Biology as my major. And through the urging of an arts loving guidance counselor who recognized a natural affinity in me for drama (take that anyway you like :) ).....I declared Theatre as my minor.
Long story short....I attended college, studied Biology and Theatre....fell in love with a wonderful man...realized that Broadway was a long way from Cashua Drive......and wanted to get married and would have bills to pay. So, what did I do? I enrolled in nursing school and became a RN. God, having the sense of humor He has, allowed my first patient to be a head injury patient with Increased Inner Cranial Pressure....and yep, she vomited....all day...non stop....I quickly got over the whole emesis thing.
So as we sat in Outback last night, talking about career paths, I felt very unworthy of offering any advise....after all, my educational journey was a haphazard one! But what I could add and attest to, was that whatever you do, you need to have a passion for....a love for.....let it be something, if possible, that you would do, even if you did not get paid! (A 360 degree turn from my freshman philosophy)!
And while I do not regret one year, one day, or one minute of my 7 years of education,....as a matter of fact, I thank God for it!!..... I do regret not really praying about my career path decisions......I thought I was praying about it...., but I did not truly seek God's leadership in it, and was too young, impatient, and hard headed to wait on His answer!
But God being the Master Cleaner-Upper of our poor decisions, took every step of every path with me and then.....in a way only He can manipulate....used it all for His purpose and His Glory, and to enrich my ability to minister to those in need. You see, I am a good nurse, I like being a nurse, but it is not my passion.....However, God knew I would need those nursing skills to take care of my Mother when she was ill for many years, he also knew that I could use them to help Mark when his software package needed a Clinical Records Add on....who better than me to go into the Mental Health Hospitals and Facilities and act as a liaison between the Clinicians and our Programming staff? I fit right in.....with the counselors.....OK....and sometimes with the inpatients :)
On the other hand, my theatre education has played an enormous part of my ministry life. Having signed with a Christian record label and touring on and off for several years.....I have run the whole creative spectrum....performance, song writing, skit writing, directing, musical theatre, etc....all things I learned about on my theatrical educational path.....
Which brings us full circle to Kidzblast....to my position as Creative Ministries Director at CBC....using my "unordinary" spiritual gifts for the glory and edification of our "extraordinary" Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That is MY PASSION....it is what I like to do, what I want to do, and what I plan to do.....regardless of any amount of monetary exchange, or the absence there of....I cannot imagine NOT doing it.
I thank God that He knew exactly what I would need in life to honor and serve Him. He knows that about you too.....so never discount those "mistakes" you think you might have made.....He knew you were gonna make them....He allowed you to make them because He knew what you needed to find and fulfill your passion.
You, my friend, are God's Passion...He loves you so much....He is ALL about you, no matter what you do or do not do.....He Died for you years ago on a rugged cross....and He Lives for you today!
What is YOUR passion?
Blessings Ya'll!
Last night after the performance, my family treated me to a celebratory dinner......I was on the edge of my seat as I listened to their feedback about the show...and so glad that they enjoyed it and understood it's value and marveled in it's unusual way of reaching our ministry goal.....
Shortly after the appetizer, our conversation drifted toward career choices. Having a table full of college aged kids...the topic quickly went to what their "major" was or would be. My son's beautiful, smart girlfriend, is at the point in her schooling where she is trying to decide what to declare as her major....... I remember the anguish I felt as a college freshman....thinking that I needed to know immediately....such pressure! What if I made the wrong choice?! Being a child of a one parent household, I felt strongly (my mother felt VERY strongly) that I choose a field that I could support myself should I wind up in a unfortunate situation that required that I be the sole breadwinner......it happened to her....she was widowed at 28 with 2 small kids....she, luckily was a RN, and thus was able provide comfortably for the three of us.
Although I was unsure of what to declare as my major, there was one thing that I knew for certain......I DID NOT, under any circumstance, want to be a nurse.....My Mom worked long hours and shift work, so she was not at home as much as I would have liked....plus I hated the idea of shots, wounds, and any bodily fluid....especially emesis...( AKA Vomit). But I did excel in the sciences....so I chose Biology as my major. And through the urging of an arts loving guidance counselor who recognized a natural affinity in me for drama (take that anyway you like :) ).....I declared Theatre as my minor.
Long story short....I attended college, studied Biology and Theatre....fell in love with a wonderful man...realized that Broadway was a long way from Cashua Drive......and wanted to get married and would have bills to pay. So, what did I do? I enrolled in nursing school and became a RN. God, having the sense of humor He has, allowed my first patient to be a head injury patient with Increased Inner Cranial Pressure....and yep, she vomited....all day...non stop....I quickly got over the whole emesis thing.
So as we sat in Outback last night, talking about career paths, I felt very unworthy of offering any advise....after all, my educational journey was a haphazard one! But what I could add and attest to, was that whatever you do, you need to have a passion for....a love for.....let it be something, if possible, that you would do, even if you did not get paid! (A 360 degree turn from my freshman philosophy)!
And while I do not regret one year, one day, or one minute of my 7 years of education,....as a matter of fact, I thank God for it!!..... I do regret not really praying about my career path decisions......I thought I was praying about it...., but I did not truly seek God's leadership in it, and was too young, impatient, and hard headed to wait on His answer!
But God being the Master Cleaner-Upper of our poor decisions, took every step of every path with me and then.....in a way only He can manipulate....used it all for His purpose and His Glory, and to enrich my ability to minister to those in need. You see, I am a good nurse, I like being a nurse, but it is not my passion.....However, God knew I would need those nursing skills to take care of my Mother when she was ill for many years, he also knew that I could use them to help Mark when his software package needed a Clinical Records Add on....who better than me to go into the Mental Health Hospitals and Facilities and act as a liaison between the Clinicians and our Programming staff? I fit right in.....with the counselors.....OK....and sometimes with the inpatients :)
On the other hand, my theatre education has played an enormous part of my ministry life. Having signed with a Christian record label and touring on and off for several years.....I have run the whole creative spectrum....performance, song writing, skit writing, directing, musical theatre, etc....all things I learned about on my theatrical educational path.....
Which brings us full circle to Kidzblast....to my position as Creative Ministries Director at CBC....using my "unordinary" spiritual gifts for the glory and edification of our "extraordinary" Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That is MY PASSION....it is what I like to do, what I want to do, and what I plan to do.....regardless of any amount of monetary exchange, or the absence there of....I cannot imagine NOT doing it.
I thank God that He knew exactly what I would need in life to honor and serve Him. He knows that about you too.....so never discount those "mistakes" you think you might have made.....He knew you were gonna make them....He allowed you to make them because He knew what you needed to find and fulfill your passion.
You, my friend, are God's Passion...He loves you so much....He is ALL about you, no matter what you do or do not do.....He Died for you years ago on a rugged cross....and He Lives for you today!
What is YOUR passion?
Blessings Ya'll!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
"Breaking Free Dramatically"
What a crazy week!! Monday and Tuesday was catch up from vacation and then preparation and rehearsals for Kidzblast Arts Camp at CBC....On Wednesday, Camp started. We have just under 100 kids attending the camp....rising 1-6 graders...all full of incredible energy!! We have the kids divided into 5 groups...for manageability sake :) and each group rotates from class to class, for a total of 5 subjects (art, music, drama, choreography, and gym/snack). Knowing how much that age group is into HSM (High School Musical)...we decided to follow that vein of thought and make the setting of the show in a school....so structuring the daily activities like changing classes has also worked well thematically!
Because my birth kids are now college age, it has been a while since I have spent large amounts of structured time with a group of elementary aged children! The faces may be different than I remember...but the world of "cooties", a thousand whys, fidgety little boys who are rough and tuff and little girls who are enamored with pocketbooks and make up have not changed at all!
As acting "Drama Teacher" for the camp...I have had SO much fun!! The kids have been like little sponges...learning stage directions, how to project and emote and act with their bodies, etc....and they are having so much fun doing it, they do not even realize they are learning valuable theatrical information. One of the major spiritual points we wanted to stress with the kids is that God has created them to be unique...that it takes all parts to make up the body of Christ! And in scene 2 of the show, "Breaking Free Dramatically", one of the actors has the line..."You gotta break free of the worlds expectations"... the scene goes on to explain that you can't listen to what people say, you have to decide for yourself, by asking God who you are and what HE wants you to be!! And while it is an "elementary" theme..most adults I know, including myself, still struggle with that idea from time to time! So, valuable stuff!
However, by far, their favorite thing to do in my drama class has been improv commercials....each kid picks one of many random items that I place on the counter...then they pick a partner, and then they quickly make up a commercial about that product. IT HAS BEEN SO FUNNY. Prices of the objects have varied from $1.99 to $ 9 million dollars...(cost varied greatly depending on which age group I was working with at the time)....they have been very creative...(Never imagined that a book light could be a deadly "freeze ray"...until a 5th grade boy picked that object for his commercial)...and without fail, according to the tag line of each commercial, anything can be purchased at Walmart :)
My mind and heart on several occasions this week could not help but revisit such cute and yes, sometimes profound things that my kids came up with when they were small. And being such a sentimentalist....I must admit, I got a little misty eyed, knowing that that time in the lives of my kids is long past....I know you hear it all the time, my sweet friends with little ones....but it is SO true...cherish this time...it passes way to fast...and when it is gone...you cannot go back.
As I hopped into my car yesterday (OK, I admit, it was more like "stumbled"...I was tired!) , for some reason, I decided to change the disc number on my CD changer, and it went to Josh's (my 19 year old son, for those who may not know) latest CD...he has been in the studio recording over the last few weeks, and gave me an unfinished copy of the new stuff he has written....and somewhere just a few minutes into a song that he wrote about a person who was struggling with emotional security issues.... came the line...."Lies that you were fed, spinning circles in your head"....WHOA! What a line! My baby said something quite profound! And for all practical purposes it was a direct compliment to the same spiritual concept I have been trying to emphasize all week at camp.
I immediately stopped the CD...and thanked God for proving me wrong...for a brief moment, I did "go back"....and just when I thought such precious moments of parenthood had faded slowly out into the sea of life....God gifted me with a "priceless pearl" that He let wash back to shore....
Until next time, I will be counting my blessings, and my pearls...
Because my birth kids are now college age, it has been a while since I have spent large amounts of structured time with a group of elementary aged children! The faces may be different than I remember...but the world of "cooties", a thousand whys, fidgety little boys who are rough and tuff and little girls who are enamored with pocketbooks and make up have not changed at all!
As acting "Drama Teacher" for the camp...I have had SO much fun!! The kids have been like little sponges...learning stage directions, how to project and emote and act with their bodies, etc....and they are having so much fun doing it, they do not even realize they are learning valuable theatrical information. One of the major spiritual points we wanted to stress with the kids is that God has created them to be unique...that it takes all parts to make up the body of Christ! And in scene 2 of the show, "Breaking Free Dramatically", one of the actors has the line..."You gotta break free of the worlds expectations"... the scene goes on to explain that you can't listen to what people say, you have to decide for yourself, by asking God who you are and what HE wants you to be!! And while it is an "elementary" theme..most adults I know, including myself, still struggle with that idea from time to time! So, valuable stuff!
However, by far, their favorite thing to do in my drama class has been improv commercials....each kid picks one of many random items that I place on the counter...then they pick a partner, and then they quickly make up a commercial about that product. IT HAS BEEN SO FUNNY. Prices of the objects have varied from $1.99 to $ 9 million dollars...(cost varied greatly depending on which age group I was working with at the time)....they have been very creative...(Never imagined that a book light could be a deadly "freeze ray"...until a 5th grade boy picked that object for his commercial)...and without fail, according to the tag line of each commercial, anything can be purchased at Walmart :)
My mind and heart on several occasions this week could not help but revisit such cute and yes, sometimes profound things that my kids came up with when they were small. And being such a sentimentalist....I must admit, I got a little misty eyed, knowing that that time in the lives of my kids is long past....I know you hear it all the time, my sweet friends with little ones....but it is SO true...cherish this time...it passes way to fast...and when it is gone...you cannot go back.
As I hopped into my car yesterday (OK, I admit, it was more like "stumbled"...I was tired!) , for some reason, I decided to change the disc number on my CD changer, and it went to Josh's (my 19 year old son, for those who may not know) latest CD...he has been in the studio recording over the last few weeks, and gave me an unfinished copy of the new stuff he has written....and somewhere just a few minutes into a song that he wrote about a person who was struggling with emotional security issues.... came the line...."Lies that you were fed, spinning circles in your head"....WHOA! What a line! My baby said something quite profound! And for all practical purposes it was a direct compliment to the same spiritual concept I have been trying to emphasize all week at camp.
I immediately stopped the CD...and thanked God for proving me wrong...for a brief moment, I did "go back"....and just when I thought such precious moments of parenthood had faded slowly out into the sea of life....God gifted me with a "priceless pearl" that He let wash back to shore....
Until next time, I will be counting my blessings, and my pearls...
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Finally Home....
It was a beautiful week at Litchfield! Sleeping late, staring for hours at the vast blue ocean, rising early on most mornings to sneak a peak at the beautiful sunrises...then back to bed for a couple hours. Eating out and eating things I try to avoid at home,(why does everything taste so good outside?...Especially "junk" food???), and basking in the freedom of doing "nothing"....a feat, that anyone who knows me well, knows is quite a challenge for me!! But that is mostly what I did....nothing. It was wonderful!
As the week neared the end, I must admit, I was missing home a bit...missing my family (Mark and the kids were only there for part of the week), my church family, my "furry children"...and my own bed! So packing up was bitter sweet....sad to leave the splendor of God's handiwork displayed so magnificently out of the triple glass doors that make up the ocean front wall of our condo, (the view is truly amazing and the deck is positioned at just the right angle to get "the perfect" ocean breeze)....but happily anticipating the comfort, and familiarity of "home".
Because of the UNBELIEVABLE traffic that is inevitable this time of year on the Grand Strand, we opted to take "the back way" home...through Georgetown, Hemingway, and Old River Road. It is actually the route my family always took going to the beach when I was a kid. My Mom's side of the family was from Hemingway and my Dad's side of the family was from Kingsburg....Small, "don't blink, or you will miss them" communities....but we would always go that way to the beach and stop and visit relatives....(On the way to the beach we visited the living ones, on the way back we stopped at all the grave yards to visit the non-living ones.) I HATED THE TRIPS BACK. I never understood stopping and looking at headstones in grave yards...I found it rather creepy. I had never really known most of the folks while they were alive...so as my Mom and Grandmomma retold stories about them....it made me feel even "creepier".
Every tale would end with, "But they are home with Jesus now, and you will see them one day.".....As a child, that really did not make it feel any less uncomfortable...except for one grave site,...That being my Father's. For those who do not know, I never got the chance to meet my Dad. He died on Christmas Day 1961, and I was born on June 25, 1962...exactly 6 months after he died in an auto accident. His Mom, my Grandma Cora...(organist for Kingsburg Baptist church...the first place I ever sang...I was 3...it was "Jesus Loves Me"...and yes, I do remember it!)...and Grandma Cora would always make sure I understood that my Daddy knew Jesus and that we would all see him again one day in heaven...(So I got it from both sides.) Again, as a child, that idea was a little creepy.... but when it was about my Daddy, it was somewhat comforting. And I never got tired of stories about him...so curious of what he might have been like, sounded like, looked like....and by the way, I look just like him.
So on the way back from Litchfield, as I was driving alone along that familiar stretch of secondary road....I passed those same small county grave yards (I did not physically stop, still kind of "creepy" in my book)...but of course, my thoughts went to my family members who have gone home to be with the Lord...first was my Maternal Grand Dad...then my Maternal Grand Mom...then my other set of Grand Parents.....so many warm, loving Grand child kind of memories flooded my mind and my heart...I could almost smell the biscuits. I could vividly retrace walking hand in hand to gather eggs from the hen house...I could see the wrinkled, gentle hands reach inside the "Sunday only" pocketbook, pulling out the Juicy Fruit Gum (a bribe, I am sure, to keep me still for the rest of the sermon)...And for the first time in 46 years...I got it...I understood why we always stopped on the way back home....It wasn't about the headstones, plots, or the bodies that lay beneath the dirt...It was about the memories... it was a way to remind ourselves of who they were...who they still are in our hearts...to relive their legacies....(Pastor Bill, you were SO on the money with that series!)
Lastly, I passed the spot where my Dad was laid when he was only 29 years old....sadly, no memories of my own to recall....guess that will have to wait until I'm Finally Home.... we will make some there, for sure! Finally Home, where I will not only experience my Earthly Father firsthand...but I will meet my Heavenly Father face to face for the first time too!! I'm not sure I can even stand it!!! Just the thought of it overwhelms me to tears as I write this post!!
But for now, I am glad to finally be back in Florence, surrounded by my husband, kids, and four very happy dogs....
Until next time, Live a Legacy, Ya'll....
As the week neared the end, I must admit, I was missing home a bit...missing my family (Mark and the kids were only there for part of the week), my church family, my "furry children"...and my own bed! So packing up was bitter sweet....sad to leave the splendor of God's handiwork displayed so magnificently out of the triple glass doors that make up the ocean front wall of our condo, (the view is truly amazing and the deck is positioned at just the right angle to get "the perfect" ocean breeze)....but happily anticipating the comfort, and familiarity of "home".
Because of the UNBELIEVABLE traffic that is inevitable this time of year on the Grand Strand, we opted to take "the back way" home...through Georgetown, Hemingway, and Old River Road. It is actually the route my family always took going to the beach when I was a kid. My Mom's side of the family was from Hemingway and my Dad's side of the family was from Kingsburg....Small, "don't blink, or you will miss them" communities....but we would always go that way to the beach and stop and visit relatives....(On the way to the beach we visited the living ones, on the way back we stopped at all the grave yards to visit the non-living ones.) I HATED THE TRIPS BACK. I never understood stopping and looking at headstones in grave yards...I found it rather creepy. I had never really known most of the folks while they were alive...so as my Mom and Grandmomma retold stories about them....it made me feel even "creepier".
Every tale would end with, "But they are home with Jesus now, and you will see them one day.".....As a child, that really did not make it feel any less uncomfortable...except for one grave site,...That being my Father's. For those who do not know, I never got the chance to meet my Dad. He died on Christmas Day 1961, and I was born on June 25, 1962...exactly 6 months after he died in an auto accident. His Mom, my Grandma Cora...(organist for Kingsburg Baptist church...the first place I ever sang...I was 3...it was "Jesus Loves Me"...and yes, I do remember it!)...and Grandma Cora would always make sure I understood that my Daddy knew Jesus and that we would all see him again one day in heaven...(So I got it from both sides.) Again, as a child, that idea was a little creepy.... but when it was about my Daddy, it was somewhat comforting. And I never got tired of stories about him...so curious of what he might have been like, sounded like, looked like....and by the way, I look just like him.
So on the way back from Litchfield, as I was driving alone along that familiar stretch of secondary road....I passed those same small county grave yards (I did not physically stop, still kind of "creepy" in my book)...but of course, my thoughts went to my family members who have gone home to be with the Lord...first was my Maternal Grand Dad...then my Maternal Grand Mom...then my other set of Grand Parents.....so many warm, loving Grand child kind of memories flooded my mind and my heart...I could almost smell the biscuits. I could vividly retrace walking hand in hand to gather eggs from the hen house...I could see the wrinkled, gentle hands reach inside the "Sunday only" pocketbook, pulling out the Juicy Fruit Gum (a bribe, I am sure, to keep me still for the rest of the sermon)...And for the first time in 46 years...I got it...I understood why we always stopped on the way back home....It wasn't about the headstones, plots, or the bodies that lay beneath the dirt...It was about the memories... it was a way to remind ourselves of who they were...who they still are in our hearts...to relive their legacies....(Pastor Bill, you were SO on the money with that series!)
Lastly, I passed the spot where my Dad was laid when he was only 29 years old....sadly, no memories of my own to recall....guess that will have to wait until I'm Finally Home.... we will make some there, for sure! Finally Home, where I will not only experience my Earthly Father firsthand...but I will meet my Heavenly Father face to face for the first time too!! I'm not sure I can even stand it!!! Just the thought of it overwhelms me to tears as I write this post!!
But for now, I am glad to finally be back in Florence, surrounded by my husband, kids, and four very happy dogs....
Until next time, Live a Legacy, Ya'll....
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Our 25th Wedding Anniversay in NYC

Tuesday Morning Mammo Photo

Are you sure that is my boobie pic hanging up on that wall???

How Bountiful Are Your Gifts, Oh Lord!

On the beach at Litchfield