Happy Thanksgiving!
I have been so blessed by reading the thanksgivings and praises that are constantly flowing throughout the blogosphere this week. So much so, that I became convicted that I should also publicly spew forth my gratitude for the multitude of blessings that God has so richly bestowed. Some large and some small, some common and some very specific to my crazy world......but all things that I pretty much take for granted due to this worldly, me focused, sin soaked flesh I live within.....so I will start with that:
1) I am thankful for this so not perfect, over indulged, under exercised body I live in....And while she "don't work quite as efficiently" as she used to...I am happy to say, I am healthy. No hypertension, no diabetes, no cancer, no auto immune issues (all which are known to be in my familial history). So what if I do not look like a supermodel, and my knees creak a little, and I have a few seasonal allergies...I still clean up pretty good, and my husband thinks I'm sexy. So thankful, so thankful.
2) My Husband is healthy, employed, churched, and is crazy about me. What more could a gal hope for...(See last post). So thankful, so thankful!
3) My kids are healthy, happy, doing great in school, and are growing emotionally and spiritually. So thankful, so thankful!
4) My home is full of love, food, and laughter. Sure, there are things I would like to do to change it or spruce it up, but that's all icing on the cake...and in our current economy....I am happy to wait for anymore icing for a while! So thankful, so thankful!
5) My church family is healthy and loving and all about bringing folks into the kingdom of God. They are innovative and active and excited about serving the Lord! So thankful, so thankful!
6) My relationships with extended family and friends have been highly enriched by using Facebook...it has been so much easier to stay in touch and keep up with everyone...so yay for social stalking! So thankful, so thankful
7) My canine children. That's right, I just said I am thankful for my dogs :) They are the best anti depressant I have ever found! They love me unconditionally, they do amazing, funny things, and they are all house broken. (I said some of these were small and specific to my crazy life!) So thankful, so thankful!
8) The Blogosphere. Amy Grant's song is right..."We are all the same it seems, behind the eyes"...Blogging has been the "eyes" I have used to look in to the hearts and lives of so many dear friends...old and new....and by starting my own blog, I have become wide-eyed for all to see into my life and heart. Alot of camaraderie and healing has been bestowed upon me due to this innovative way of communicating! So thankful, so thankful!
9)Girlfriends....I am so thankful for these gals that God lets me walk daily with. I am talking about gals who I go to lunch with, shop with, cry with, worship with, giggle with, and pray for everyday. I would give them the shirt off my back and they would give me theirs. (Except most are WAYYY skinner than me, so if I needed a shirt, I would possibly need to ask two of them! LOL!) Some are dear friends who I have had for years, some are new in my life....all are quite special and a blessing to me. So thankful, so thankful.
10) Little things: Sugar free Redbull, South Beach Peanut Butter Bars, movie theatre popcorn, massages, Heavenly perfume, warm socks, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, great smelling shower scrub, sharpies, zip lock bags, puppy kisses, husband kisses, daily I love yous from my kids, a big closet, my kitchen aid mixer, Beth Moore bible studies, our backyard, a good microphone, and spanx undergarments.
10) Grace. Yep...that is the biggie, and while the blessings listed above are in no specific order, I did save the most important one for last....the AMAZING, SELFLESS, SIN COVERING, NEW EVERY MORNING, SOUL CLEANSING GRACE of our Lord and Savior Jesus. I need it constantly. Without it, I would be destined to a life of misery here on earth, and doomed to an eternity in hell! God's Grace....I am so unworthy...yet...SO thankful, SO thankful!
I am also thankful for each one of you who stop by this blog....and especially thankful for those of you who leave me comments from time to time!
So thankful Y'all! So thankful indeed!