Monday, December 29, 2008
New Cashmere Socks and Grace
The unspoken rule of Christmas gift giving in the Knight household has always been that everyone in the house has to get new socks and/or underwear for Christmas. I know, not very fancy, but incredibly useful! They are things we need everyday, but seldom does anyone opt to go out and purchase socks and underwear for themselves....unless it is an emergency...or sometimes if we are packing for vacation, I will use that summer opportunity to augment the sock/undie supply to tide us over until Christmas!
Maybe I brought the tradition over from my extended family. We always knew there were socks and underwear wrapped up under the tree. My Mom made her annual Christmas run to Tomlinson's Wholesale every December.....the best place, according to her, to get the best socks for the best price. All the guys got black and blue and brown dress socks. The girls got either panties, slips or half-slips from the Tomlinson's lingerie department. It was a given. It was expected. And not a single Christmas, while she was still living, did she fail to come through!
This year, I got the most comfy, colorful cashmere socks....and they were pink! So by simply opening the gift and getting a glimpse of the regal, rosy shade, I knew the contents of that package definitely started out on the right foot. (Pardon the sock pun!) I put them on with my new PJ's, and stayed in them most of the day. Such warmth, and comfort. I felt, beautiful, snug, secure and at ease in my nifty new socks. Made me wonder why I only got new ones once a year!
Later in the afternoon, tucked in my recliner, having my quiet time....Yep, I thanked God, among other things, for the new socks. My thought process being that if He supplies the little things, then I should give thanks for them too! It also made me think about the amazing love He has for us, the incredible forgiveness He offers us, and the Knight family sock/underwear tradition....that some folks only experience relationship with Him at Christmas....or in case of emergency :)
God's wonderful gift of grace is accessible every minute of everyday....yet many folks, for whatever reason, opt not to wrap themselves in it often. Talk about feeling at peace, secure and warm! Even my new, fancy pink socks pale in comparison to the gift of His grace.
So again, this year at Christmas, I got new socks. And again, this morning, I got another chance to wrap up in His amazing grace! I'm covered from head to toe....and I like it that way!
Hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas! But more importantly, I hope that you accept what you are offered daily from the child who was born on that day.
Cashmere and Jesus Y'all!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Oh, Christmas Tree...OH CHRISTMAS TREE !!!!
Yuletide Greetings Y'all! I know I kinda, sorta said I was taking a blogging vacation until after the hustle and bustle....and mainly our huge Christmas Production was over.....BUT.....I forgot about the following article I was asked to write for SHE! here ya go!
Oh, Christmas Tree.....OH! CHRISTMAS TREE !
When we were building our home in 2001, Mark and I disagreed on only one thing…..the ceiling height of our “great room”. The house plans called for an open foyer and an open great room in the center of the house. A suspended catwalk would be the only thing dividing the two massive areas. Mark thought it was a huge waste of space to have the great room open….that would mean a 24x20 foot room, with ceilings 22 feet high…..hard to cool, hard to heat, especially since the whole back wall is pretty much nothing but glass. (And deep in his heart, he really wanted to floor in the top half to make a game room, so he could have a pool table.) But I really loved the idea of the vastness and openness of it all. Long story short…I won. Well, actually we compromised. I kept the open room, and I agreed that he could put a pool table in the small den off the kitchen.
We moved in the week of Thanksgiving, and I began decorating for Christmas immediately. Now let me just emphasize that I LOVE Christmas….I am talking REALLY LOVE it….decorating for Christmas is a passion I have. We’re talking 4 full size trees, 2 life size Santas, 50 sleighs, and gobs of other decorations! I would rather decorate for Christmas than open gifts…..for real y’all….I just love it! It takes me an entire week to “Deck My Halls”!
Just one problem…..when you have a large room with 22 foot ceilings, a normal size tree looks pitiful. So for the next several years, the trees kept getting larger and taller. As of Christmas 2004 every tree choice still looked rather dwarfed.
In October of 2005 I got a flyer in the mail from a Christmas tree farm in NC, and they were taking orders for trees to be delivered the day after Thanksgiving. They said they could get ANY size tree. REEEALLLLLY?? The paper only had prices listed for up to 12-14 foot trees, but had a number to call for “Special Order” trees. So I called. I explained my situation to the kind gentleman, and he said that he could definitely get me a taller tree, possibly up to 18 feet tall! My jolly, yuletide obsessed heart skipped a beat! Finally, I would have a tree for my great room that would complement its size!
There was no shopping for me the day after Thanksgiving that year. No way. I stood guard at the front door….waiting anxiously like a 4 year old on Christmas Eve….with so much anticipation of grandeur in my heart that I could hardly stand it!! At 4:00pm, my door bell rang. It was finally here! I ran outside in my sock clad feet, no time to put on shoes….I wanted to see it. It was hanging slightly off the end of an extremely long utility trailer.... She was a beauty! It took 4 men to back her into my front door. It took about an hour to get her up in the special stand….but WOW! There she stood, and although her branches were still tied up in netting, I could tell she was a BIG tree. We had to anchor her to the open cat walk for stability….she was SOOOO tall.
Now to put things in perspective, the pool table that was originally in the den off the kitchen, over the four year period, migrated to the “great room”, which at this point was called the “pool room”. (That’s right. Being the upstanding, respectable Baptists that we are, when you open our front door….there it sits….a pool table. I guess Mark really won that battle after all!) So, there was small sitting area on the fireplace side, a pool table in the center, leaving practically half of the room for the tree.
When the netting was released, the branches quickly fell……and they were touching the pool table. So we trimmed it back some. Being the self proclaimed “Christmas tree Officiatto” that I am, I knew the branches needed to be left, at least over night, to relax before any decorating could commence. I hardly slept. Bright and early Saturday, I awoke to the ever sweet aroma that only comes from a live tree. I quickly got dressed and rushed to the great room, and was greeted by quite a site! The tree had definitely “relaxed”. We had branches, across the pool table, past the center of the room! I am talking HUGE! Mark and the kids and I laughed hysterically for hours! I ended up calling my friend Bert Floyd to come help me decorate…..he brought his team….he even had to call for back up with taller ladders! He said he had NEVER seen a tree that large, and I believe him.
It was an exciting holiday with folks visiting most everyday to see “the tree”. The guy we purchased it from, stopped back by to see it decorated, and while he was there, he told us she was the “sister tree” to the tree that was put into the White House that year! We took lots of photos; other folks took photos….no one was able to get the entire tree in one photo shot! We finally figured out how to put two photos together to show the whole tree….but the photo really did not do her justice. She was as beautiful as she was big.
It took five of us and a chain saw to take her down. It was kind of sad really. She had acquired a personality all her own, and for that Christmas season was definitely a member of our family. We have not been able to find another tree quite so magnificent, but her memory will be forever etched in our minds and in our hearts.
Oh, Christmas tree…..Oh, Christmas tree…..your branches are so loverly…..
Happy Ho, Ho, Hoing Y'all!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas Vacation
The past few days have me scratchin' my noggin'
How to get it all done, and still keep on bloggin'
Been trimming five trees and decking the halls
Got Christmasy things all over my walls
Been building the sets for the upcoming show
Gathering the costumes, with props still in tow
Trusting the lights and the sound to the pros
Just hoping they're able to get me some snow
Been trying to take time to make me list
Keep fearing there's something important I've missed
Cause one day of shopping is not near enough
To gather the presents and wrap all the stuff
What was I was thinking, must of had a brain-farty
When I offered to host the work Christmas party
There a wedding and a birthday amidst all the fuss
As if all of the other was not quite enough
Just glad we're all well, and able to bustle
Cause to get it all done, we will all have to hustle
So don't think I've kicked it if posts don't appear
I promise to catch up the first of the year
Happy Holiday's Y'all!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thankful and Blessed Y'all!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I have been so blessed by reading the thanksgivings and praises that are constantly flowing throughout the blogosphere this week. So much so, that I became convicted that I should also publicly spew forth my gratitude for the multitude of blessings that God has so richly bestowed. Some large and some small, some common and some very specific to my crazy world......but all things that I pretty much take for granted due to this worldly, me focused, sin soaked flesh I live I will start with that:
1) I am thankful for this so not perfect, over indulged, under exercised body I live in....And while she "don't work quite as efficiently" as she used to...I am happy to say, I am healthy. No hypertension, no diabetes, no cancer, no auto immune issues (all which are known to be in my familial history). So what if I do not look like a supermodel, and my knees creak a little, and I have a few seasonal allergies...I still clean up pretty good, and my husband thinks I'm sexy. So thankful, so thankful.
2) My Husband is healthy, employed, churched, and is crazy about me. What more could a gal hope for...(See last post). So thankful, so thankful!
3) My kids are healthy, happy, doing great in school, and are growing emotionally and spiritually. So thankful, so thankful!
4) My home is full of love, food, and laughter. Sure, there are things I would like to do to change it or spruce it up, but that's all icing on the cake...and in our current economy....I am happy to wait for anymore icing for a while! So thankful, so thankful!
5) My church family is healthy and loving and all about bringing folks into the kingdom of God. They are innovative and active and excited about serving the Lord! So thankful, so thankful!
6) My relationships with extended family and friends have been highly enriched by using has been so much easier to stay in touch and keep up with yay for social stalking! So thankful, so thankful
7) My canine children. That's right, I just said I am thankful for my dogs :) They are the best anti depressant I have ever found! They love me unconditionally, they do amazing, funny things, and they are all house broken. (I said some of these were small and specific to my crazy life!) So thankful, so thankful!
8) The Blogosphere. Amy Grant's song is right..."We are all the same it seems, behind the eyes"...Blogging has been the "eyes" I have used to look in to the hearts and lives of so many dear friends...old and new....and by starting my own blog, I have become wide-eyed for all to see into my life and heart. Alot of camaraderie and healing has been bestowed upon me due to this innovative way of communicating! So thankful, so thankful!
9)Girlfriends....I am so thankful for these gals that God lets me walk daily with. I am talking about gals who I go to lunch with, shop with, cry with, worship with, giggle with, and pray for everyday. I would give them the shirt off my back and they would give me theirs. (Except most are WAYYY skinner than me, so if I needed a shirt, I would possibly need to ask two of them! LOL!) Some are dear friends who I have had for years, some are new in my life....all are quite special and a blessing to me. So thankful, so thankful.
10) Little things: Sugar free Redbull, South Beach Peanut Butter Bars, movie theatre popcorn, massages, Heavenly perfume, warm socks, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, great smelling shower scrub, sharpies, zip lock bags, puppy kisses, husband kisses, daily I love yous from my kids, a big closet, my kitchen aid mixer, Beth Moore bible studies, our backyard, a good microphone, and spanx undergarments.
10) Grace. Yep...that is the biggie, and while the blessings listed above are in no specific order, I did save the most important one for last....the AMAZING, SELFLESS, SIN COVERING, NEW EVERY MORNING, SOUL CLEANSING GRACE of our Lord and Savior Jesus. I need it constantly. Without it, I would be destined to a life of misery here on earth, and doomed to an eternity in hell! God's Grace....I am so unworthy...yet...SO thankful, SO thankful!
I am also thankful for each one of you who stop by this blog....and especially thankful for those of you who leave me comments from time to time!
So thankful Y'all! So thankful indeed!
church family,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Birthday to My Favorite Turkey :)
Hey Y'all! The official holiday bustle has begun! Christmas is one month from today, Thanksgiving is the day after tomorrow, and today is my wonderful husband's birthday! Yep, my Knight in shining armor....better known as Mark....catches up with me today. That's right...I am 5 months older (to the day) than Mark. We were born in the same year, at the same hospital, went to the same schools, and graduated together...but he still has a good time poking fun at me about robbing the cradle! We have been best friends since we started singing together when we were 12 years old...we married at 19....and last May celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary! And we still cannot get enough of each other!
Because he has a November 25th birth date....from time to time it actually falls on Thanksgiving. And while Thanksgiving is a national holiday, and was not set aside in honor of giving thanks for Mark Knight.....I must say, having him in my life, is one of the things I am most thankful for every year. He is an incredible man. He loves me unconditionally, and only loves God more than me....and I think that is WAY sexy!! He is my partner in life. He is the spiritual leader of our family. He is my friend, confidant, and playmate. He is a loving, giving, guiding father to our kids. He is a hard working small business owner. He is a praise team singing, pool cleaning, doggie taker outer hunk of burnin' love :) Need I say more?
And while it should be, by now, clearly obvious to anyone reading this, that I am hopelessly still head over heels in love with him...just to further clarify....I am.
I thank God for him daily. So many of the blessings on my list (come back on Thanksgiving to check them out)....are because of my favorite Birthday boy. He spoils me so!
So here's a shout to my honey! (Hope you are ready for our Birthday/Thanksgiving feast tonight! The turkey sure smells good steaming in the oven right now. Gonna fill up the jacuzzi with bubbles and light the bathroom with candles.....) I will let Mark decide what we should do next....after is his birthday!
Happy 46th Birthday my love!
Later Y' some birthday details to attend to....
Because he has a November 25th birth date....from time to time it actually falls on Thanksgiving. And while Thanksgiving is a national holiday, and was not set aside in honor of giving thanks for Mark Knight.....I must say, having him in my life, is one of the things I am most thankful for every year. He is an incredible man. He loves me unconditionally, and only loves God more than me....and I think that is WAY sexy!! He is my partner in life. He is the spiritual leader of our family. He is my friend, confidant, and playmate. He is a loving, giving, guiding father to our kids. He is a hard working small business owner. He is a praise team singing, pool cleaning, doggie taker outer hunk of burnin' love :) Need I say more?
And while it should be, by now, clearly obvious to anyone reading this, that I am hopelessly still head over heels in love with him...just to further clarify....I am.
I thank God for him daily. So many of the blessings on my list (come back on Thanksgiving to check them out)....are because of my favorite Birthday boy. He spoils me so!
So here's a shout to my honey! (Hope you are ready for our Birthday/Thanksgiving feast tonight! The turkey sure smells good steaming in the oven right now. Gonna fill up the jacuzzi with bubbles and light the bathroom with candles.....) I will let Mark decide what we should do next....after is his birthday!
Happy 46th Birthday my love!
Later Y' some birthday details to attend to....
Friday, November 21, 2008
Count Your Blessings Y'all!
Happy Pre-Thanksgiving! My, how the holidays are rapidly approaching.... Ready or not, here they come!
One of my favorite things to do in the blogosphere is visiting blogs who have "Thankful Thursdays". There is something quite humbling about experiencing the gratitude of others. It helps keep me in check with what really matters. (Like realizing that my "want' for new hardwood floors....IS TRIVIAL in the whole scheme of things when you consider our present economy.) I am reminded as I browse and blog, that simply having a roof over my head is a blessing not be taken for granted! Foreclosures are at a record high, already surpassing last years final total, and with unemployment also at an unimaginable high, they look for the foreclosure total for this year to topple the 3 million mark!
So as I sit here in my warm house, with food in my pantry, enough money in my bank account, a vehicle in my garage, a happy, loving, healthy husband who is employed....healthy, thriving, loving kids....incredible friends and family, and an amazing, God-loving church family.....I am almost at a loss for words to my GRACIOUS heavenly Father God, to adequately provide explanation of the gratitude I feel!
So until the economy gets better, I am keeping my trap shut about the new hardwood floors!!
What about you? What are you most thankful for during this particular Thanksgiving season? I would love to hear!
Keeping an attitude of gratitude y'all!
One of my favorite things to do in the blogosphere is visiting blogs who have "Thankful Thursdays". There is something quite humbling about experiencing the gratitude of others. It helps keep me in check with what really matters. (Like realizing that my "want' for new hardwood floors....IS TRIVIAL in the whole scheme of things when you consider our present economy.) I am reminded as I browse and blog, that simply having a roof over my head is a blessing not be taken for granted! Foreclosures are at a record high, already surpassing last years final total, and with unemployment also at an unimaginable high, they look for the foreclosure total for this year to topple the 3 million mark!
So as I sit here in my warm house, with food in my pantry, enough money in my bank account, a vehicle in my garage, a happy, loving, healthy husband who is employed....healthy, thriving, loving kids....incredible friends and family, and an amazing, God-loving church family.....I am almost at a loss for words to my GRACIOUS heavenly Father God, to adequately provide explanation of the gratitude I feel!
So until the economy gets better, I am keeping my trap shut about the new hardwood floors!!
What about you? What are you most thankful for during this particular Thanksgiving season? I would love to hear!
Keeping an attitude of gratitude y'all!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Confession is Good for the Soul
Tell me I am not alone in my stupidity. That's right....time for 'fessin up y'all....I will start.
Today, I had what I thought was a bright idea....The logic went something like this.....I am running late for church and I don't have time to take my car keys to my office before worship begins, so I say to myself....."Self, why don't you just take the ignition key off the HUMONGOUS key ring you always carry around. That way you will not have a big bunch of noisy keys clanging around during worship." Made sense to me. So I took off the ignition key....headed into worship just as the countdown on the screen said 0:37 seconds left. Took the seat that my friend Cindy had saved for me, put the key in the back pocket of the chair in front of me, sat down my bible, and worshipped my little heart out!! It was a wonderful day of worship!
As the service was coming to a close, I needed to make my way out in front of the crowd to hand out tickets for iChristmas, our Christmas event at Cornerstone this year. So I grabbed my bible, quietly slipped out....handed out a bazillion tickets, and then headed down the hall for a Women's Ministry Team Lunch Meeting. The salad was yummy, the turtle cookies...even yummier! We had a very productive meeting......then it was time to go home....I was ready. I knew I had to be back at 5:50 for a photo shoot, and then praise band rehearsal and choir rehearsal. (And I really wanted to sneak in a quick nap!)
Bible in hand.....but HELLO....NO key. I immediately knew what I had done....and where I had left it. The problem was that every Sunday as soon as the service is done, the men of the church (or at least the energetic ones) take up the majority of the 600+ chairs to clear the worship center for Awana. And sure enough....the row I was on was up and stacked 6 chairs deep. My wonderful friends Lari and Karen and Monica....helped me look for the key....but no luck.
All three offered to take me home.....but I hated to put them was not exactly on the way home for any of them. (Actually Karen, is a neighbor, but she is our Children's Ministry Leader, and needed to stay at CBC to work....but she did offer me her car.) I finally agreed to let Monica take me home......she promised she did not mind....and she was driving a convertible sports that was kinda cool! Thanks again, Monica....and I think you are even cooler than the sports car :)
After Awana tonight, the chairs were put back out, and a small brigade of friends searched row by row, seat pocket by seat pocket until the key was found. Mrs. Naoma found it....thanks rock!
I am so thankful for my church family.....and it is so comforting to know that they love me even when I do idiotic things, and that they are willing to help me out of the crazy and somewhat embarrassing predicaments that I put myself in sometimes! What do folks do without a loving fellowship of believers in their lives. My Church family is my safety net.....whether I trip, fall, jump or I am pushed.....they are there to catch me. I thank God for them daily.
So come on me know I am not alone in my idiocracy.....What kind of brainless antics are you guilty of and are willing to share with us. Confession is good for the soul....and would also make me feel a little bit better :)
Humble pie isn't so bad, especially if it served up with some sweet tea, and some even sweeter friends!
Pie on my face,
Today, I had what I thought was a bright idea....The logic went something like this.....I am running late for church and I don't have time to take my car keys to my office before worship begins, so I say to myself....."Self, why don't you just take the ignition key off the HUMONGOUS key ring you always carry around. That way you will not have a big bunch of noisy keys clanging around during worship." Made sense to me. So I took off the ignition key....headed into worship just as the countdown on the screen said 0:37 seconds left. Took the seat that my friend Cindy had saved for me, put the key in the back pocket of the chair in front of me, sat down my bible, and worshipped my little heart out!! It was a wonderful day of worship!
As the service was coming to a close, I needed to make my way out in front of the crowd to hand out tickets for iChristmas, our Christmas event at Cornerstone this year. So I grabbed my bible, quietly slipped out....handed out a bazillion tickets, and then headed down the hall for a Women's Ministry Team Lunch Meeting. The salad was yummy, the turtle cookies...even yummier! We had a very productive meeting......then it was time to go home....I was ready. I knew I had to be back at 5:50 for a photo shoot, and then praise band rehearsal and choir rehearsal. (And I really wanted to sneak in a quick nap!)
Bible in hand.....but HELLO....NO key. I immediately knew what I had done....and where I had left it. The problem was that every Sunday as soon as the service is done, the men of the church (or at least the energetic ones) take up the majority of the 600+ chairs to clear the worship center for Awana. And sure enough....the row I was on was up and stacked 6 chairs deep. My wonderful friends Lari and Karen and Monica....helped me look for the key....but no luck.
All three offered to take me home.....but I hated to put them was not exactly on the way home for any of them. (Actually Karen, is a neighbor, but she is our Children's Ministry Leader, and needed to stay at CBC to work....but she did offer me her car.) I finally agreed to let Monica take me home......she promised she did not mind....and she was driving a convertible sports that was kinda cool! Thanks again, Monica....and I think you are even cooler than the sports car :)
After Awana tonight, the chairs were put back out, and a small brigade of friends searched row by row, seat pocket by seat pocket until the key was found. Mrs. Naoma found it....thanks rock!
I am so thankful for my church family.....and it is so comforting to know that they love me even when I do idiotic things, and that they are willing to help me out of the crazy and somewhat embarrassing predicaments that I put myself in sometimes! What do folks do without a loving fellowship of believers in their lives. My Church family is my safety net.....whether I trip, fall, jump or I am pushed.....they are there to catch me. I thank God for them daily.
So come on me know I am not alone in my idiocracy.....What kind of brainless antics are you guilty of and are willing to share with us. Confession is good for the soul....and would also make me feel a little bit better :)
Humble pie isn't so bad, especially if it served up with some sweet tea, and some even sweeter friends!
Pie on my face,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
God's Will
Hey Y'all! Today on facebook, a good friend of mine posted the following note. I found it to be "Living Water" to my dry and thirsty soul :)
Thanks for sharing it Renee! I look forward to your doesn't get much clearer than this! The author is Dr. James McDonald.
As a pastor, I often hear questions about God’s will. “What does God want me to do?” is the most common, but there are others: “Where does God want me to live?” “Who does God want me to marry?” “What job does God want me to take?”
This may come as a surprise to you, but the Bible does’t spend any time on that stuff. God’s focus ins’t so much on the externals; He wants to change the inner you. He says, “If I can change you into the person I want you to be, you’ll know where you’re supposed to go, and you’ll know who you’re supposed to marry, and you’ll know where you’re supposed to work.”
Next time you wonder about what you are seeing or experiencing and struggle to know what God could be up to, just say to yourself, “He’s changing me,” and you’ll be right. Next time disappointments or heartaches come (maybe you’re in the midst of them right now), try to recognize that God Himself is holding the hammer and chisel.
But why? Why is He so stuck on this matter of change? Here’s the hard truth that sets people free: God’s bottom line doesn’t have anything to do with you or me or any human being. This whole universe is not about us; it’s about Him. God does not exist to fulfill our purposes; we exist to fulfill His purposes. The reason why you are here is because God wants to demonstrate His power and splendor through your life, and if you realize that you are not doing it very well, then you truly understand why He wants to change you. He wants to get you to the place where no matter what happens to you or what you go through, you trust Him and follow Him and are committed wholly to His goodness. And so He’s coming after you, and He’s trying to change you. Let Him do His work in you, and watch Him display His awesomeness through you.
Devotion by Dr. James McDonald (Walk In The Word)
Thanks for sharing it Renee! I look forward to your doesn't get much clearer than this! The author is Dr. James McDonald.
As a pastor, I often hear questions about God’s will. “What does God want me to do?” is the most common, but there are others: “Where does God want me to live?” “Who does God want me to marry?” “What job does God want me to take?”
This may come as a surprise to you, but the Bible does’t spend any time on that stuff. God’s focus ins’t so much on the externals; He wants to change the inner you. He says, “If I can change you into the person I want you to be, you’ll know where you’re supposed to go, and you’ll know who you’re supposed to marry, and you’ll know where you’re supposed to work.”
Next time you wonder about what you are seeing or experiencing and struggle to know what God could be up to, just say to yourself, “He’s changing me,” and you’ll be right. Next time disappointments or heartaches come (maybe you’re in the midst of them right now), try to recognize that God Himself is holding the hammer and chisel.
But why? Why is He so stuck on this matter of change? Here’s the hard truth that sets people free: God’s bottom line doesn’t have anything to do with you or me or any human being. This whole universe is not about us; it’s about Him. God does not exist to fulfill our purposes; we exist to fulfill His purposes. The reason why you are here is because God wants to demonstrate His power and splendor through your life, and if you realize that you are not doing it very well, then you truly understand why He wants to change you. He wants to get you to the place where no matter what happens to you or what you go through, you trust Him and follow Him and are committed wholly to His goodness. And so He’s coming after you, and He’s trying to change you. Let Him do His work in you, and watch Him display His awesomeness through you.
Devotion by Dr. James McDonald (Walk In The Word)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Courtney Better Buy Some Butter!!!!
Hey Y'all!
Congratulations to Courtney....winner of the Paula Deen Christmas Cookbook! Courtney guessed that I had 7 truths, 3 lies, and 2 half truths. Now....take a look and see how close you were in your guessing!
1. I am a direct descendant of General Robert E. Lee. Lie.... Not that I know of anyway!!
2. I have 3 dogs, 1 grand-puppy, and 1 cat. Half-Truth.... I do not have a cat....I would love one...but Mark says if I bring home one more critter, he will leave!
3. My favorite food is sushi. Lie....Cannot bring myself to eat raw fish....must be due to the parasite class I took in nursing school!!
4. I competed in the Mrs. South Carolina Pageant. Truth....Many years and many pounds ago!!
5. I sing, play piano, and guitar. Truth.
6. I once sang back up for Larnell Harris and Sandi Patti. (I wish!) Lie.....Although we did share the same vocal coach at one time!
7. I once fell into the orchestra pit during a dress rehearsal and had 12 staples in my head....and still did not miss a single performance. Truth. Sadly, I am a klutz.
8. I organize my sock drawer by color and style of sock. Truth. I am also a bit OCD!
9. I fell into a trash dumpster my first day of college. Truth. Like I said, I am a klutz.
10. I wore orthodontic braces as a child and then again as an adult. Half Truth. I only wore braces as an adult.
11. Josh Turner (country singer) once asked for my autograph. Truth. When Mark and I were signed with the record label, we did a concert at Union Baptist Church, and while we were there a friend introduced us to this little guy (he was probably 8 or 9) that "sang like Johnny Cash" and wanted to sing country music.....we autographed one of our CDs for him.....whoda thunk it??
12. I once took 24 ladies to Baltimore for a week long, live taping of Beth Moore's "The Patriarchs" and appeared in the bible study video. Truth. It was one of the most amazing weeks of my life!!
Thanks to all of you who played along! And Courtney, I will facebook you and arrange delivery of the cookbook!
Think I will hold off running for office!!
And remember....Jesus is the TRUTH....He is the light and the way....No lies, No half truths...he is the real deal......count on it!
Happy Cooking Courtney!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Lies, Truths, or Half-Truths?
Hey Y'all! To commemorate election week, and all the media sensationalism that is rampant, I thought I would play a little game with you all! The game is called "Lies, Truths, or Half-Truths".
So here is how we play: I will list a series of statements about myself. Some are pure truth, some are outright lies, and some are part truth and part lie. As you read the statements, keep up with how many of each category you end up with when you are done. (i.e: 5 L, 4T, 3HT) If there is a tie, I will contact the authors of the posts, and have them break down their answers question by question.
I will come back in a few days and reveal the answers. The winner will receive a special prize! (A Paula Deen Christmas Cookbook!)
Hope you all will play with me!!! So here we go!!
1. I am a direct descendant of General Robert E. Lee.
2. I have 3 dogs, 1 grand-puppy, and 1 cat.
3. My favorite food is sushi.
4. I competed in the Mrs. South Carolina Pageant.
5. I sing, play piano, and guitar.
6. I once sang back up for Larnell Harris and Sandi Patti.
7. I once fell into the orchestra pit during a dress rehearsal and had 12 staples in my head....and still did not miss a single performance.
8. I organize my sock drawer by color and style of sock.
9. I fell into a trash dumpster my first day of college.
10. I wore orthodontic braces as a child and then again as an adult.
11. Josh Turner (country singer) once asked for my autograph.
12. I once took 24 ladies to Baltimore for a week long, live taping of Beth Moore's "The Patriarchs" and appeared in the bible study video.
Hope you have fun determining your answers! Just keep in mind that I have spent alot of time over the last few months listening to campaign speeches....If I fool the majority of you....I might even consider running for office sometime! LOL!!!
I anxiously await your answers!!
Happy Guessing Y'all!
So here is how we play: I will list a series of statements about myself. Some are pure truth, some are outright lies, and some are part truth and part lie. As you read the statements, keep up with how many of each category you end up with when you are done. (i.e: 5 L, 4T, 3HT) If there is a tie, I will contact the authors of the posts, and have them break down their answers question by question.
I will come back in a few days and reveal the answers. The winner will receive a special prize! (A Paula Deen Christmas Cookbook!)
Hope you all will play with me!!! So here we go!!
1. I am a direct descendant of General Robert E. Lee.
2. I have 3 dogs, 1 grand-puppy, and 1 cat.
3. My favorite food is sushi.
4. I competed in the Mrs. South Carolina Pageant.
5. I sing, play piano, and guitar.
6. I once sang back up for Larnell Harris and Sandi Patti.
7. I once fell into the orchestra pit during a dress rehearsal and had 12 staples in my head....and still did not miss a single performance.
8. I organize my sock drawer by color and style of sock.
9. I fell into a trash dumpster my first day of college.
10. I wore orthodontic braces as a child and then again as an adult.
11. Josh Turner (country singer) once asked for my autograph.
12. I once took 24 ladies to Baltimore for a week long, live taping of Beth Moore's "The Patriarchs" and appeared in the bible study video.
Hope you have fun determining your answers! Just keep in mind that I have spent alot of time over the last few months listening to campaign speeches....If I fool the majority of you....I might even consider running for office sometime! LOL!!!
I anxiously await your answers!!
Happy Guessing Y'all!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Honeymooning....It's Not Just for Newlyweds Anymore
Greetings from Litchfield Beach.....quiet, calm, and peaceful....a much welcomed retreat after a crazy, emotional, roller coaster week! I am still basking in the unexplainable peace that comes after a tumultuous storm (see last post)....still praising and thanking God for the way things turned out...we all know it could have easily been a different scenario.
A few years back, for my 40th birthday, my incredible hubby gave me the coolest gift....part ownership in a condo here at Litchfield beach...just a few families...we rotate weeks...and our family usually comes 4-5 weeks out of the year. It used to be that we all came every time....but as the kids started college, and as some of the newness has worn off...everybody doesn't make it every time. This week, it is just me and Mark for the first part of the we are "honeymooning"....that's right.... All goo-goo eyed, lovey-dovey, touchy-feely, so glad to be your partner in life kind of time!
Now, let me say, Mark and I have always been the type couple that never really "lost the spark"....not that everyday is Valentine's day....don't get me wrong...romance ebbs and flows with us too, which is completely normal for every couple....But honestly, we have never felt totally out of sync. Not because we are great communicators or perfect spouses. Not because we deserve it. Not because we were without bumps in the road that could have potentially thrown us in a ditch or totalled the car! We have had bumps.
What has allowed us the ability to stay connected through it all? Well...I would have to would be priorities. Yep....keeping the important things in order. God first, spouse second, kids third, and everything else falling somewhere lower on the list. Sounds simple...but any of us who have been married for more than 15 minutes can attest to the fact that it is not. We are all selfish, me centered, flesh driven humans....and without God first thing, everyday....we will most likely take the "what do I want, what is best for me" option every time....and that option can destroy great relationships quickly.
Mark and I married young...not quite 20...still is only by the grace of God and because (for the most part) we have kept our individual relationships with Him first, that we have made it almost 27 years as man and wife. Looking back, the times that were the toughest, were the times where God was not consulted or in the very least fell below the number one spot on our priorities list.
Last week, was an opportunity for me to make sure things were A-OK between me and come clean, get honest, ask for forgiveness, to welcome His grace kind of week! This week, I am working on the number two spend some time just being. Being silly, being close, being laid back, just being together....and it has been wonderful. As this week draws to an end, we will invest in the number three spot...we will share some beach time with our kiddos...and will savor each and every minute shared of their young adult lives.
But....they are not coming down until tomorrow in the mean time...Mark and I have some "Re-Honeymooning" to I think I will sign off and go straighten my hair for dinner....Mark likes it when I wear it straight and down :).
Hip, Hip, Hooray for Honeymooning!
A few years back, for my 40th birthday, my incredible hubby gave me the coolest gift....part ownership in a condo here at Litchfield beach...just a few families...we rotate weeks...and our family usually comes 4-5 weeks out of the year. It used to be that we all came every time....but as the kids started college, and as some of the newness has worn off...everybody doesn't make it every time. This week, it is just me and Mark for the first part of the we are "honeymooning"....that's right.... All goo-goo eyed, lovey-dovey, touchy-feely, so glad to be your partner in life kind of time!
Now, let me say, Mark and I have always been the type couple that never really "lost the spark"....not that everyday is Valentine's day....don't get me wrong...romance ebbs and flows with us too, which is completely normal for every couple....But honestly, we have never felt totally out of sync. Not because we are great communicators or perfect spouses. Not because we deserve it. Not because we were without bumps in the road that could have potentially thrown us in a ditch or totalled the car! We have had bumps.
What has allowed us the ability to stay connected through it all? Well...I would have to would be priorities. Yep....keeping the important things in order. God first, spouse second, kids third, and everything else falling somewhere lower on the list. Sounds simple...but any of us who have been married for more than 15 minutes can attest to the fact that it is not. We are all selfish, me centered, flesh driven humans....and without God first thing, everyday....we will most likely take the "what do I want, what is best for me" option every time....and that option can destroy great relationships quickly.
Mark and I married young...not quite 20...still is only by the grace of God and because (for the most part) we have kept our individual relationships with Him first, that we have made it almost 27 years as man and wife. Looking back, the times that were the toughest, were the times where God was not consulted or in the very least fell below the number one spot on our priorities list.
Last week, was an opportunity for me to make sure things were A-OK between me and come clean, get honest, ask for forgiveness, to welcome His grace kind of week! This week, I am working on the number two spend some time just being. Being silly, being close, being laid back, just being together....and it has been wonderful. As this week draws to an end, we will invest in the number three spot...we will share some beach time with our kiddos...and will savor each and every minute shared of their young adult lives.
But....they are not coming down until tomorrow in the mean time...Mark and I have some "Re-Honeymooning" to I think I will sign off and go straighten my hair for dinner....Mark likes it when I wear it straight and down :).
Hip, Hip, Hooray for Honeymooning!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
With My Hairdresser As My Witness...I Will NEVER Skip my Mammogram Again....
This past Monday morning started out great.... a beautiful, crisp sunny day. Every 5th Monday morning, I get my hair colored....It is a half-day job....I have alot of hair. :) So this Monday, I was sitting there in the hairdresser's chair.....chatting frivolously with MOST AWESOME hairdresser. She has been "Doing my hair"...for nearly twenty years. I was one of her first clients....she was fresh out of Beauty School....and I let her do my first "Spiral Perm"...(Looking back, that was probably a bold risk to take, but it turned out beautifully!)....I looked like I had a hundred hula hoops on my head...wish I had a picture of that day to share....we would all have a great belly laugh!!
Somewhere between putting the foils in....and taking the foils out....I decided to step out into the parking lot and get my phone...when I arrived for the appointment, I realized that it was low on battery, so I had left it charging in the car. I nearly startled the poor UPS man to death when I stepped out the door......a head full of what looks like tinfoil...and wearing a lovely black Redken cape....quite a unexpected site I suppose! When I got the phone....I had several missed calls....the most recent one from my husband.....then two prior from our local hospital and two prior from my Gynecologist's office. NOT as good sign. I knew I had just had my mammogram the week before (see prior posts) and had not gotten the "Your mammogram is fine" post card yet. The nurse in me put the clues together....and I just knew there was a problem.
I called Mark first....he was frantic.....the Hospital and the Dr's. office had both called him at home and on his cell. He was FREAKIN' OUT....and they would not tell him anything, except that it was very important that I call them ASAP. I hung up with Mark, checked my messages, and the hospital had called to pre-register me for a "Left breast diagnostic". The nurse from my doctor's office left me a message to call her back at my earliest convenience. My gut reaction...NOT Good.....not good at all. Noticing how all the color had drained from my face, Suzanne knew something was wrong. She knows me well. She was wonderful....trying to encourage me....speeding up the hair process so I could get out of there.
By this time the Dr's. office was closed for lunch. Great. S0...for about two hours, every worse case scenario ran through my brain. When the nurse called back, she said that I had "a thicker, denser area on my left breast, and they wanted to do some additional testing". But she also commented that they did not "see" anything, so not to get worked up at this point. She said that almost half of the mammos they got back, that they had to send the patient back for additional testing for clarification. I am thankful that I have an attentive doctor and that she doesn't just "wait and see". So I did feel better. I let my Sunday School and Ladies Bible study groups know, and of course, my closest girlfriends :) People were immediately praying.....some before I even hung up the phone. I am soooo blessed to have ladies like that in my life!
I felt the prayers...slept well....and did not freak out at all....UNTIL.....I walked into the breast imaging room for the tests....and saw the x-ray of my boob hanging up on the viewing screen.....with "IT" in it...."it" looked like a pencil eraser.....I could see it easily! It was so odd to see it there....and not feel it....not know it was there in my own body. Since I was a little nervous....I started taking photos with my cell phone....thought I should document the process....anything to keep my mind and hands occupied until the tests started! (See added photo.)
Luckily, "it" only showed up on one view of the first mammogram....the same radiology tech that did my initial mammogram was with me again. Her name is Susan, and she is an angel. She talked me through everything, and most importantly to me.....she knew I wanted to know what the results would show. She promised me I would know one way or the other before I left. She had a hard time finding "it" on any other view....even with the compression (EXTRA, extra smooshing of the breast)......but she finally found what she thought was a faint she moved me down the hall to "Ultra sound". I had to lay there a few minutes, waiting for the test to begin. S0.....I began praying: ~Lord, You are Holy and awesome....I am unworthy to even ask. I ask for Your will.....and I ask that Your will is that this "it" is nothing serious.....I know I am selfish, and do not deserve any special favors.....but I'm asking for Your help here.....knowing that if You lead me to it....You will lead me thru it.....I love you....~
Susan came in....Propped me up on a wedge, and squirted me with the gel....began the ultrasound....probed, prodded, rerouted the wand.....she kept looking...and looking....and could not find anything! ~Thank you Lord.....This sounds like good news.~ She left and went and got the radiologist. He said that it was only fibrotic or lymphatic tissue, and that I could go home, and that I did not need to come back until next year.
I was estatic...thankful....relieved...blessed...and taken over with emotion...all at the same time!!
I could not help but think about my friend who has been battling cancer for quite some time now. She is so brave. I only got a faint taste of what she much be feeling......and I am here to tell you is NOT a good feeling. Sue, you are my hero. We are still praying and trusting God and asking for healing....we love you!!!
In my last post, I talked about the uneasiness (without obvious reasons) that I was mysteriously experiencing.........Maybe it was God preparing me for Monday's phone call......I don't really put much stock in premonitions or fortunes or luck......but I must admit, I was quite relieved when my Fortune Cookie on Monday night said "You are about to experience a miracle".....NO LIE....can't make that kind of thing up!! It really said that!! I kept the little white paper as proof!!! I personally think that God knows what a wimp and doubter I am at times.....always asking for Him to speak to me....preferably in neon signs :) he rigged the fortune cookie in my favor. God is SOOO cool like that!
I have felt so loved and prayed for over the last few days.....God has given me so many awesome people in my life.....I am overwhelmed just thinking about it as I write this.......You know who you are....and I love you all dearly....and am so thankful to have you all in my life!!
I will no longer take for granted being healthy.....and I will never forget how much I am my my friends.....and by my God.
Lastly, I will NEVER skip my mammogram again.....I promised that to Suzanne as I was sitting there trying not to panic in her chair.....and we all know.....a woman is always honest with her hairdresser.....because there are just somethings....only you, and God and your hairdresser will ever really know. :)
Still rejoicing Y'all!
Somewhere between putting the foils in....and taking the foils out....I decided to step out into the parking lot and get my phone...when I arrived for the appointment, I realized that it was low on battery, so I had left it charging in the car. I nearly startled the poor UPS man to death when I stepped out the door......a head full of what looks like tinfoil...and wearing a lovely black Redken cape....quite a unexpected site I suppose! When I got the phone....I had several missed calls....the most recent one from my husband.....then two prior from our local hospital and two prior from my Gynecologist's office. NOT as good sign. I knew I had just had my mammogram the week before (see prior posts) and had not gotten the "Your mammogram is fine" post card yet. The nurse in me put the clues together....and I just knew there was a problem.
I called Mark first....he was frantic.....the Hospital and the Dr's. office had both called him at home and on his cell. He was FREAKIN' OUT....and they would not tell him anything, except that it was very important that I call them ASAP. I hung up with Mark, checked my messages, and the hospital had called to pre-register me for a "Left breast diagnostic". The nurse from my doctor's office left me a message to call her back at my earliest convenience. My gut reaction...NOT Good.....not good at all. Noticing how all the color had drained from my face, Suzanne knew something was wrong. She knows me well. She was wonderful....trying to encourage me....speeding up the hair process so I could get out of there.
By this time the Dr's. office was closed for lunch. Great. S0...for about two hours, every worse case scenario ran through my brain. When the nurse called back, she said that I had "a thicker, denser area on my left breast, and they wanted to do some additional testing". But she also commented that they did not "see" anything, so not to get worked up at this point. She said that almost half of the mammos they got back, that they had to send the patient back for additional testing for clarification. I am thankful that I have an attentive doctor and that she doesn't just "wait and see". So I did feel better. I let my Sunday School and Ladies Bible study groups know, and of course, my closest girlfriends :) People were immediately praying.....some before I even hung up the phone. I am soooo blessed to have ladies like that in my life!
I felt the prayers...slept well....and did not freak out at all....UNTIL.....I walked into the breast imaging room for the tests....and saw the x-ray of my boob hanging up on the viewing screen.....with "IT" in it...."it" looked like a pencil eraser.....I could see it easily! It was so odd to see it there....and not feel it....not know it was there in my own body. Since I was a little nervous....I started taking photos with my cell phone....thought I should document the process....anything to keep my mind and hands occupied until the tests started! (See added photo.)
Luckily, "it" only showed up on one view of the first mammogram....the same radiology tech that did my initial mammogram was with me again. Her name is Susan, and she is an angel. She talked me through everything, and most importantly to me.....she knew I wanted to know what the results would show. She promised me I would know one way or the other before I left. She had a hard time finding "it" on any other view....even with the compression (EXTRA, extra smooshing of the breast)......but she finally found what she thought was a faint she moved me down the hall to "Ultra sound". I had to lay there a few minutes, waiting for the test to begin. S0.....I began praying: ~Lord, You are Holy and awesome....I am unworthy to even ask. I ask for Your will.....and I ask that Your will is that this "it" is nothing serious.....I know I am selfish, and do not deserve any special favors.....but I'm asking for Your help here.....knowing that if You lead me to it....You will lead me thru it.....I love you....~
Susan came in....Propped me up on a wedge, and squirted me with the gel....began the ultrasound....probed, prodded, rerouted the wand.....she kept looking...and looking....and could not find anything! ~Thank you Lord.....This sounds like good news.~ She left and went and got the radiologist. He said that it was only fibrotic or lymphatic tissue, and that I could go home, and that I did not need to come back until next year.
I was estatic...thankful....relieved...blessed...and taken over with emotion...all at the same time!!
I could not help but think about my friend who has been battling cancer for quite some time now. She is so brave. I only got a faint taste of what she much be feeling......and I am here to tell you is NOT a good feeling. Sue, you are my hero. We are still praying and trusting God and asking for healing....we love you!!!
In my last post, I talked about the uneasiness (without obvious reasons) that I was mysteriously experiencing.........Maybe it was God preparing me for Monday's phone call......I don't really put much stock in premonitions or fortunes or luck......but I must admit, I was quite relieved when my Fortune Cookie on Monday night said "You are about to experience a miracle".....NO LIE....can't make that kind of thing up!! It really said that!! I kept the little white paper as proof!!! I personally think that God knows what a wimp and doubter I am at times.....always asking for Him to speak to me....preferably in neon signs :) he rigged the fortune cookie in my favor. God is SOOO cool like that!
I have felt so loved and prayed for over the last few days.....God has given me so many awesome people in my life.....I am overwhelmed just thinking about it as I write this.......You know who you are....and I love you all dearly....and am so thankful to have you all in my life!!
I will no longer take for granted being healthy.....and I will never forget how much I am my my friends.....and by my God.
Lastly, I will NEVER skip my mammogram again.....I promised that to Suzanne as I was sitting there trying not to panic in her chair.....and we all know.....a woman is always honest with her hairdresser.....because there are just somethings....only you, and God and your hairdresser will ever really know. :)
Still rejoicing Y'all!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Muffin Pan Therapy
Have you ever had one of those weeks where you felt like life was off kilter and did not know why? I have kinda had one of those weeks. Incredibly busy....lots to do....seemingly not enough hours in the day to do it......but honestly, that is not all that unusual for me. But this week.....well.....I still cannot totally put my finger on it! A bit of sadness....a bit of worry....a bit of insecurity....all mixed together with little if any justification for it.
Now those of you who know me, know that I rarely have a down day.....and I cannot even say that I am down.....just mysteriously edgy......unexplicatively uncertain. Not about life, or love, or family or faith.....solidly grounded in all those areas for the moment :) Maybe it's hormones :) Isn't that the catch all for all things without concrete proof?? That or it's just a virus :)
It kind of came to a culmination tonight. After dinner I was preparing mini pumpkin cupcakes for our huge First Fruits (Church Anniversary) Celebration....Mark and all the kids at home on a Saturday night....which I just love (and is a rarity at their ages!).....and me...baking in the kitchen (which I also love)....all the makings of a "Perfect Saturday Night" at home. I had just finished icing the mini muffins.....and putting them in a container for tomorrow....(about a dozen fewer than came out of the oven thanks to the "muffin snitches" in my family). And as I dipped my hands into the dishpan to wash the mini muffin tins.....It happened ..... I Started tearing up at the kitchen sink.....thankfully everyone else was involved in TV or Laptop they were not paying any attention to my sniffing as I scrubbed.
I scrubbed, and sniffed....sniffed and scrubbed. I got SO frustrated with myself...."These blasted mini muffin pans are so hard to clean!" And then the tears really started to build.....Why? Because I realized these were HER Moms.....then it hit me. She has been dead seven years. The anniversary of her death was last month......but this year it did not weigh so heavily on my mind during the actual month of September....but obviously it caught up with me in October!
As I continued to scrub the seemlessly impossible to clean pans.....I thought about the hundreds of mini fruit cake cookies we made in those pans. Mom started making fruit cake cookies because....well, I liked them. :) We have this whole "Secretive Springs Family Fruitcake Recipe" that has been passed down in our family....but I never really liked it. But Momma found this fruitcake cookie recipe...tried brother and I loved them! So she made them every Christmas. job was often to "scrub the pans"....and I hated it! (But I loved the cookies and my Mom, so scrub them, I did.)
As I sat there, scouring the pans...fighting back the tears, I thought about the hours of complaining I probably did when she asked me to scrub the exact same pans. (No such thing as Teflon coated, non-stick pans in her day....but hey, they have lasted longer than my fancier ones!) Oh, how I wish I just had one minute for every hour I griped about having to clean them for her....somehow magically stored up in I could use one of them to talk to her right now. I still miss her SO much....guess I always will....that is until the day we are reunited again! Hallelujah for that!
So tonight, I prepared mini muffins to celebrate a special anniversary (First Fruits).....and I tearfully scrubbed Mommas mini muffin pans to commemorate a different anniversary (Mom's home-going). Both important....both special....both huge parts of who I am.
Still not sure it explains the mysterious, off-kilter kind of funk I've been in......but I sure felt better after a good cry. Maybe it is hormones :)
What ever it is....I have faith it will get better....and if Momma was here...I know what she would say. She would say, "This too, shall pass..".... I heard her say it many, many times.....and she was always always did pass and life was good again.
Thankful today for tearful, muffin pan therapy,
Now those of you who know me, know that I rarely have a down day.....and I cannot even say that I am down.....just mysteriously edgy......unexplicatively uncertain. Not about life, or love, or family or faith.....solidly grounded in all those areas for the moment :) Maybe it's hormones :) Isn't that the catch all for all things without concrete proof?? That or it's just a virus :)
It kind of came to a culmination tonight. After dinner I was preparing mini pumpkin cupcakes for our huge First Fruits (Church Anniversary) Celebration....Mark and all the kids at home on a Saturday night....which I just love (and is a rarity at their ages!).....and me...baking in the kitchen (which I also love)....all the makings of a "Perfect Saturday Night" at home. I had just finished icing the mini muffins.....and putting them in a container for tomorrow....(about a dozen fewer than came out of the oven thanks to the "muffin snitches" in my family). And as I dipped my hands into the dishpan to wash the mini muffin tins.....It happened ..... I Started tearing up at the kitchen sink.....thankfully everyone else was involved in TV or Laptop they were not paying any attention to my sniffing as I scrubbed.
I scrubbed, and sniffed....sniffed and scrubbed. I got SO frustrated with myself...."These blasted mini muffin pans are so hard to clean!" And then the tears really started to build.....Why? Because I realized these were HER Moms.....then it hit me. She has been dead seven years. The anniversary of her death was last month......but this year it did not weigh so heavily on my mind during the actual month of September....but obviously it caught up with me in October!
As I continued to scrub the seemlessly impossible to clean pans.....I thought about the hundreds of mini fruit cake cookies we made in those pans. Mom started making fruit cake cookies because....well, I liked them. :) We have this whole "Secretive Springs Family Fruitcake Recipe" that has been passed down in our family....but I never really liked it. But Momma found this fruitcake cookie recipe...tried brother and I loved them! So she made them every Christmas. job was often to "scrub the pans"....and I hated it! (But I loved the cookies and my Mom, so scrub them, I did.)
As I sat there, scouring the pans...fighting back the tears, I thought about the hours of complaining I probably did when she asked me to scrub the exact same pans. (No such thing as Teflon coated, non-stick pans in her day....but hey, they have lasted longer than my fancier ones!) Oh, how I wish I just had one minute for every hour I griped about having to clean them for her....somehow magically stored up in I could use one of them to talk to her right now. I still miss her SO much....guess I always will....that is until the day we are reunited again! Hallelujah for that!
So tonight, I prepared mini muffins to celebrate a special anniversary (First Fruits).....and I tearfully scrubbed Mommas mini muffin pans to commemorate a different anniversary (Mom's home-going). Both important....both special....both huge parts of who I am.
Still not sure it explains the mysterious, off-kilter kind of funk I've been in......but I sure felt better after a good cry. Maybe it is hormones :)
What ever it is....I have faith it will get better....and if Momma was here...I know what she would say. She would say, "This too, shall pass..".... I heard her say it many, many times.....and she was always always did pass and life was good again.
Thankful today for tearful, muffin pan therapy,
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Say It Ain't So, Sweet Clementine!
Hey Y'all! I hope you have all been blessed with cool Fall evenings, plenty of pumpkins to carve, and vibrant mums to plant! Even though the changing of seasons is subtle here, we do have a decent window of weeks here where we actually can see God adjusting His color pallet! We have continued to have a wetter than usual Fall this year, but it has still been quite beautiful.
This afternoon was another rainy, Fall I snuggled up with my puppies and my computer and decided to catch up with e-mails, journaling, and facebook....and as evidenced by this post...blogging!
While socially stalking all my dear friends on facebook, one of my director friends from the theatre, who is also one of my facebook friends, sent me a quiz to try out.....called "Your American Accent". Being from South Carolina, having a name like Scarlett, and coming from a most adorable border-line redneck seemed like a no brainer to me what the results would be.....but I took it anyway. AND Y'ALL......It said that I had A NORTHERN ACCENT.......Say it ain't so Clementine!!! I could not believe the doubting Thomas of my bunch....I retook the quiz.....and came back with the same results!
Now let me clarify...there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a Northern Accent....I think they are just lovely. I love all kinds of a matter of fact....I could listen to Hugh Jackman's Aussie accent from now until Jesus calls me home, and never get tired of it. It's just that anyone who knows me.....knows I am as Southern sounding as they come. (Not to be confused with the deep down in the boondocks accent that most American actors use...and THINK they are doing a Southern Accent. If you saw Nicole Kidman and Renee Zellweger in "Cold Mountain", you know what I am saying!) And while I am not as richly Southern as Charleston relatives....I am still pretty daggone southern sounding.
The first time this was ever blatantly evident to me, was just after we signed with a small Christian Record Label. The artist relations and corporate offices were on the west coast. All I had to get out of my mouth, was "Hey"....and they would immediately know who I was! I even tried to NOT sound southern...and say "Hello"...and they would still recognize the accent! Needless to say....we were immediately hooked up with an excellent vocal/voice coach....who was quite relieved to discover that although our speaking voices were BLATANTLY Southern, our singing vocals were not.
So, obviously, the quiz was inaccurate. Just a template of ten word/vowel related questions, used to quickly evaluate a person who uses a million words a day. (If you think I am over estimating that number....just ask my hubby :) )
But I ask you to think about this.....How often do we jump to conclusions....or make up our minds about folks....based on a small subset of circumstances of who we think they are? You've probably done it....I know, ashamedly, I have done it. I am not talking about accents here....I am talking about characteristics that make up a complex personality as a whole. Some folks get really nervous when they meet you for the first time, and easily make awkward first impressions. Some folks are shy, and come across as stuck up. Occasionally, some folks get excited and loud when they are passionate (that would be me), and some folks might happen to be having a really bad day....and you walk up on it. It happens.
I have unfairly evaluated folks, and yes I have had folks unfairly do the same to me.
When we do that, we are no different than that silly little FaceBook Quiz.
God calls us to Love, not evaluate (a kind way of saying "judge") our brothers and sisters. His commandments clearly call us to love...first and foremost....Him....The Lord our God....and then almost contiguously he commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. No where in His word have I found a "Quiz" to use.....and I am so glad of that....Because as evidenced by the "Accent Quiz" I took.....I would fail miserably.
So my challenge to you this week, is this. Take time to get to know someone who you are pretty sure you do not care to get to know. Ask yourself why you do not want to spend time with them. Ask God to show you something incredibly amazing about that person. They were created in His image you know....that alone should be enough.
God cares passionately about each of us...No matter what our accent. We too, should take time to care for one another.
Later, yooz guys..... :)
~Scarlett, from the South
This afternoon was another rainy, Fall I snuggled up with my puppies and my computer and decided to catch up with e-mails, journaling, and facebook....and as evidenced by this post...blogging!
While socially stalking all my dear friends on facebook, one of my director friends from the theatre, who is also one of my facebook friends, sent me a quiz to try out.....called "Your American Accent". Being from South Carolina, having a name like Scarlett, and coming from a most adorable border-line redneck seemed like a no brainer to me what the results would be.....but I took it anyway. AND Y'ALL......It said that I had A NORTHERN ACCENT.......Say it ain't so Clementine!!! I could not believe the doubting Thomas of my bunch....I retook the quiz.....and came back with the same results!
Now let me clarify...there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a Northern Accent....I think they are just lovely. I love all kinds of a matter of fact....I could listen to Hugh Jackman's Aussie accent from now until Jesus calls me home, and never get tired of it. It's just that anyone who knows me.....knows I am as Southern sounding as they come. (Not to be confused with the deep down in the boondocks accent that most American actors use...and THINK they are doing a Southern Accent. If you saw Nicole Kidman and Renee Zellweger in "Cold Mountain", you know what I am saying!) And while I am not as richly Southern as Charleston relatives....I am still pretty daggone southern sounding.
The first time this was ever blatantly evident to me, was just after we signed with a small Christian Record Label. The artist relations and corporate offices were on the west coast. All I had to get out of my mouth, was "Hey"....and they would immediately know who I was! I even tried to NOT sound southern...and say "Hello"...and they would still recognize the accent! Needless to say....we were immediately hooked up with an excellent vocal/voice coach....who was quite relieved to discover that although our speaking voices were BLATANTLY Southern, our singing vocals were not.
So, obviously, the quiz was inaccurate. Just a template of ten word/vowel related questions, used to quickly evaluate a person who uses a million words a day. (If you think I am over estimating that number....just ask my hubby :) )
But I ask you to think about this.....How often do we jump to conclusions....or make up our minds about folks....based on a small subset of circumstances of who we think they are? You've probably done it....I know, ashamedly, I have done it. I am not talking about accents here....I am talking about characteristics that make up a complex personality as a whole. Some folks get really nervous when they meet you for the first time, and easily make awkward first impressions. Some folks are shy, and come across as stuck up. Occasionally, some folks get excited and loud when they are passionate (that would be me), and some folks might happen to be having a really bad day....and you walk up on it. It happens.
I have unfairly evaluated folks, and yes I have had folks unfairly do the same to me.
When we do that, we are no different than that silly little FaceBook Quiz.
God calls us to Love, not evaluate (a kind way of saying "judge") our brothers and sisters. His commandments clearly call us to love...first and foremost....Him....The Lord our God....and then almost contiguously he commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. No where in His word have I found a "Quiz" to use.....and I am so glad of that....Because as evidenced by the "Accent Quiz" I took.....I would fail miserably.
So my challenge to you this week, is this. Take time to get to know someone who you are pretty sure you do not care to get to know. Ask yourself why you do not want to spend time with them. Ask God to show you something incredibly amazing about that person. They were created in His image you know....that alone should be enough.
God cares passionately about each of us...No matter what our accent. We too, should take time to care for one another.
Later, yooz guys..... :)
~Scarlett, from the South
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ah-Ha! Moments
I just love to learn new, neat things! I love learning in general, actually....My interests are vast and my thirst for knowledge immense. I like details....I like to know the histories of things....of people...I am intrigued by learning new people and figuring out their personalities....even little things, like what colors they like.....what they like to do in their spare time....where they go to church...Maybe I am just nosey!!! But hopefully not in a busy-body way!! Each detail.....according to "Scarlettville theory"....paints a new layer on previously gathered information and completes the picture a little more clearly. So I carry a tremendous array of data at any given time! My concern is that I will leave this Earth with a brain slap-dab full (yes, my non- southern readers, that IS an actual, usable term in the South),....a brain that is tightly packed full ....of tedious, and kingdom useless information!
Occasionally I learn something so INCREDIBLE that it can be categorized as what is commonly referred to as an "Ah-Ha!" Moment......You know, a discernible moment where the light bulb goes off and you "get it". A moment where information is shared clearly....and processed correctly...and it makes perfect sense for the first time.
As I recollect, my first Ah-Ha! Moment dates back to grammar school. Science class....we were talking about trees. Mrs. Lawson, my first grade teacher, explained to us that you could count the rings on a visible cross section of a tree and tell it's age. She had actual samples of trunks of trees in class for us to see. I thought that was the COOLEST thing. (Yeah, I know....pretty pathetic....but come on....I was six! But still somewhat of a science served me well in nursing school!)
My most notable...and valuable Ah-Ha! far....was the Sunday night it in 1974 when I realized that Jesus wanted a PERSONAL relationship with me! I had asked Jesus into my heart when I was six....and I understood it, and I meant it...BUT I did not totally understand how to apply it until that fateful Sunday night. It was just an ordinary Sunday night at our small Baptist Church....but it became an extraordinary night in my life!
There have been other moment's....most scoring on the Ah-Ha! Rating scale somewhere between the "Tree Rings" and my "Jesus" Ah-Ha! events. I just love it when they happen! It excites me to know I can still learn and that there is so much more out there to learn!
This week I had a really cool Ah-Ha! Moment. I am doing a bible study, by Kay Arthur, entitled "Lord, Teach Me To Pray". It has been awesome from the start....but this past week was...well, for me, ...Ah-Ha! worthy. As we were going through the daily homework, there was a section about "Intercessory Prayer".....explaining why it is biblical and an important part of a healthy prayer life.
I don't know about you....but for me....there have been times in my life where I was trying to pray....trying to cry out to the Lord...but did not know what to say...or how to pray.....and I guess I always felt like those prayers were somewhat less effective....and usually were prayers that I needed God to hear the most! (I hope that makes sense!) Well, Glory be,....this week I learned that Jesus AND the Holy Spirit are interceding for ME at all times....especially during those times of despair where I am so confused or hurt or distraught and I am incapable of communicating what is in my heart! IS THAT NOT THE COOLEST THING?? Forty-six church the whole time....Surely, I have been offered that information in a sermon before (but I obviously did not "hear" it if it was)...and not until this week, was I able to process it and understand the concept! It was up there on my Ah-Ha! Moments Scale.
Oh, I SO love to learn....and I am thankful for Ah-Ha! Moments! It excites me to know that there are still so many things left to learn! God is so awesome. I am so small. I am humbled that He allows me to get even a glimpse of Him and how He works. I want to know more! I want to know His favorite color!! I want to know what He likes to do in His spare time :)!! And yes....I would just LOVE to know where HE LIKES to go to church!! I know he visits Cornerstone every week :)
Do you have an Ah-Ha! Moment to share? If so, just leave me a comment....I just love hearing from you all!
Hoping many more Ah-Ha! Moments for us all!
Occasionally I learn something so INCREDIBLE that it can be categorized as what is commonly referred to as an "Ah-Ha!" Moment......You know, a discernible moment where the light bulb goes off and you "get it". A moment where information is shared clearly....and processed correctly...and it makes perfect sense for the first time.
As I recollect, my first Ah-Ha! Moment dates back to grammar school. Science class....we were talking about trees. Mrs. Lawson, my first grade teacher, explained to us that you could count the rings on a visible cross section of a tree and tell it's age. She had actual samples of trunks of trees in class for us to see. I thought that was the COOLEST thing. (Yeah, I know....pretty pathetic....but come on....I was six! But still somewhat of a science served me well in nursing school!)
My most notable...and valuable Ah-Ha! far....was the Sunday night it in 1974 when I realized that Jesus wanted a PERSONAL relationship with me! I had asked Jesus into my heart when I was six....and I understood it, and I meant it...BUT I did not totally understand how to apply it until that fateful Sunday night. It was just an ordinary Sunday night at our small Baptist Church....but it became an extraordinary night in my life!
There have been other moment's....most scoring on the Ah-Ha! Rating scale somewhere between the "Tree Rings" and my "Jesus" Ah-Ha! events. I just love it when they happen! It excites me to know I can still learn and that there is so much more out there to learn!
This week I had a really cool Ah-Ha! Moment. I am doing a bible study, by Kay Arthur, entitled "Lord, Teach Me To Pray". It has been awesome from the start....but this past week was...well, for me, ...Ah-Ha! worthy. As we were going through the daily homework, there was a section about "Intercessory Prayer".....explaining why it is biblical and an important part of a healthy prayer life.
I don't know about you....but for me....there have been times in my life where I was trying to pray....trying to cry out to the Lord...but did not know what to say...or how to pray.....and I guess I always felt like those prayers were somewhat less effective....and usually were prayers that I needed God to hear the most! (I hope that makes sense!) Well, Glory be,....this week I learned that Jesus AND the Holy Spirit are interceding for ME at all times....especially during those times of despair where I am so confused or hurt or distraught and I am incapable of communicating what is in my heart! IS THAT NOT THE COOLEST THING?? Forty-six church the whole time....Surely, I have been offered that information in a sermon before (but I obviously did not "hear" it if it was)...and not until this week, was I able to process it and understand the concept! It was up there on my Ah-Ha! Moments Scale.
Oh, I SO love to learn....and I am thankful for Ah-Ha! Moments! It excites me to know that there are still so many things left to learn! God is so awesome. I am so small. I am humbled that He allows me to get even a glimpse of Him and how He works. I want to know more! I want to know His favorite color!! I want to know what He likes to do in His spare time :)!! And yes....I would just LOVE to know where HE LIKES to go to church!! I know he visits Cornerstone every week :)
Do you have an Ah-Ha! Moment to share? If so, just leave me a comment....I just love hearing from you all!
Hoping many more Ah-Ha! Moments for us all!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Pink! The New Fall Color
Happy October Y'all! I just love cool evenings and pumpkins and watching God's magical display of Autumn's hues at their finest! I am so thankful that He gives us such a wide display of colors in His creation! I can't even imagine how beautiful the colors in heaven are gonna be.....Oh, but I am so hoping there will be at least 500 magnificent shades of PINK!
I admit it ....I am a "Pink Freak"...... hot pink, baby pink, fuchsia....even pepto bismal pink!!.....I love them all. And believe it or not.....thanks to a very familiar pink ribbon that we now automatically relate to Breast Cancer least in my now "officially" a new fall color! October is National Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention Month. A time to remind us all to "Get our boobies smooshed". I just love to see the pink ribbons on every ones lapels! And a really cool thing, kind of new to our area, is getting an awesome pink hair extension for $10.....all proceeds going to breast cancer prevention! (Sorry guys, this is kind of a girly post....and I promise to talk about fishin' or football or nascar in a future blog....I realize that I will owe the testosterone team one after this post!)
Now before I start coming across as "Miss Altogether with Her Female To-Do List"....I will begin with a confession....I have not had my mammogram yet this year....I made an appointment...on time....but had to cancel due to an out of town trip.....and I did not reschedule it. SHAME ON ME. And while I am eloquently spilling the proverbial pot of "been a bad girl" beans....let me just further confess....I have not had my yearly GYN visit yet this year....OR last year!!!......BUT....I have an appointment this Friday....FUN, FUN, FUN.....not! But it is now two years over due! I am a nurse, I know better, and yes I am an idiot.
Why have I let these two VERY IMPORTANT things go unattended to???? Well, I could tell you that I have been too busy, or I forgot, or it was cancelled by the Doctor's office, or some other common excuse....but I would be lying. I KNEW I needed to go....I really intended on going...but it really boiled down to one embarrassing, selfish fact.......I did not want to weigh. There! I said it...or blogged it...out loud! I hate to weigh....long history with my weight.
Here's the deal....when my original OBGYN retired, I transferred my records to another OBGYN in town.....a high school friend of mine.....and I just adore her! She is an incredible doctor and amazing person! I have been seeing her as a patient for 4 years now. Years one and two....I lost a great amount of I did not mind going in and stepping up on the horrid, metal, self-esteem sucking monster commonly referred to as a set of scales. I knew I would weigh less, and be at my ideal weight.
Not so for year three...or four. On the messy, gigantic, fluctuating roller coaster that is my weight history....this past particular year and a half have proved to be one where the "Weight Car" has crept cleverly UP the hill on the roller coaster.....Not the gigantic hill....I hit that one full speed about 5 years ago, and hit the top at 299 pounds! And through the old less/move more regiment...I lost over 140 pounds in a period of 2 years! And while I am thankful that I have not climbed back up that BIG hill ....not there yet....not really close....I can't stop the ride!!! I am SO frustrated!! I want to get off!!
So back to my excuse making mentality...somewhere in my mind, I wanted to believe that the car was most certainly about to hit the down curve....SO I would simply wait until I was coasting in a more favorable zone.....THEN I would make my appointment. Bad theory.
Breast cancer, ovarian, or uterine cancer can hit anybody......including idiotic, afraid to weigh, Jesus loving, praise singing, blogging nurses.
I am ashamed.....I am embarrassed....and I plan to do better. I convinced myself today, that I would be totally honest with my OBGYN friend....and ask forgiveness....from her....for not being a compliant patient.... from myself for not taking care of my self like I should, and from God for taking His blessing of health for granted.
So there is my confession....and here is my challenge to each of you. If you have not had your "Boobies Smooshed" or your "Womb Worked Over"......PLEASE make those appointments today.....and keep the appointments :)
I am so fortunate and thankful to my Creator, that to the best of my knowledge, I am healthy. But my knowledge is not enough...... that is why He gave greater knowledge and amazing technology to folks who can help us know we are healthy...and help fix us if we are not!
I look forward to comments to this post because I could really use some encouragement with this one!! I can't help but think that I am not alone in my struggles!
I get my GYN check on Friday. I get my mammogram next week. And, oh yeah..... I got my pink hair extension is sassy and awesome....just like matter what I weigh.
Think Pink Y'all!
I admit it ....I am a "Pink Freak"...... hot pink, baby pink, fuchsia....even pepto bismal pink!!.....I love them all. And believe it or not.....thanks to a very familiar pink ribbon that we now automatically relate to Breast Cancer least in my now "officially" a new fall color! October is National Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention Month. A time to remind us all to "Get our boobies smooshed". I just love to see the pink ribbons on every ones lapels! And a really cool thing, kind of new to our area, is getting an awesome pink hair extension for $10.....all proceeds going to breast cancer prevention! (Sorry guys, this is kind of a girly post....and I promise to talk about fishin' or football or nascar in a future blog....I realize that I will owe the testosterone team one after this post!)
Now before I start coming across as "Miss Altogether with Her Female To-Do List"....I will begin with a confession....I have not had my mammogram yet this year....I made an appointment...on time....but had to cancel due to an out of town trip.....and I did not reschedule it. SHAME ON ME. And while I am eloquently spilling the proverbial pot of "been a bad girl" beans....let me just further confess....I have not had my yearly GYN visit yet this year....OR last year!!!......BUT....I have an appointment this Friday....FUN, FUN, FUN.....not! But it is now two years over due! I am a nurse, I know better, and yes I am an idiot.
Why have I let these two VERY IMPORTANT things go unattended to???? Well, I could tell you that I have been too busy, or I forgot, or it was cancelled by the Doctor's office, or some other common excuse....but I would be lying. I KNEW I needed to go....I really intended on going...but it really boiled down to one embarrassing, selfish fact.......I did not want to weigh. There! I said it...or blogged it...out loud! I hate to weigh....long history with my weight.
Here's the deal....when my original OBGYN retired, I transferred my records to another OBGYN in town.....a high school friend of mine.....and I just adore her! She is an incredible doctor and amazing person! I have been seeing her as a patient for 4 years now. Years one and two....I lost a great amount of I did not mind going in and stepping up on the horrid, metal, self-esteem sucking monster commonly referred to as a set of scales. I knew I would weigh less, and be at my ideal weight.
Not so for year three...or four. On the messy, gigantic, fluctuating roller coaster that is my weight history....this past particular year and a half have proved to be one where the "Weight Car" has crept cleverly UP the hill on the roller coaster.....Not the gigantic hill....I hit that one full speed about 5 years ago, and hit the top at 299 pounds! And through the old less/move more regiment...I lost over 140 pounds in a period of 2 years! And while I am thankful that I have not climbed back up that BIG hill ....not there yet....not really close....I can't stop the ride!!! I am SO frustrated!! I want to get off!!
So back to my excuse making mentality...somewhere in my mind, I wanted to believe that the car was most certainly about to hit the down curve....SO I would simply wait until I was coasting in a more favorable zone.....THEN I would make my appointment. Bad theory.
Breast cancer, ovarian, or uterine cancer can hit anybody......including idiotic, afraid to weigh, Jesus loving, praise singing, blogging nurses.
I am ashamed.....I am embarrassed....and I plan to do better. I convinced myself today, that I would be totally honest with my OBGYN friend....and ask forgiveness....from her....for not being a compliant patient.... from myself for not taking care of my self like I should, and from God for taking His blessing of health for granted.
So there is my confession....and here is my challenge to each of you. If you have not had your "Boobies Smooshed" or your "Womb Worked Over"......PLEASE make those appointments today.....and keep the appointments :)
I am so fortunate and thankful to my Creator, that to the best of my knowledge, I am healthy. But my knowledge is not enough...... that is why He gave greater knowledge and amazing technology to folks who can help us know we are healthy...and help fix us if we are not!
I look forward to comments to this post because I could really use some encouragement with this one!! I can't help but think that I am not alone in my struggles!
I get my GYN check on Friday. I get my mammogram next week. And, oh yeah..... I got my pink hair extension is sassy and awesome....just like matter what I weigh.
Think Pink Y'all!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Growing Vines...and Teenagers
The Fall Season has arrived, but all I have seen falling here in SC is endless raindrops! Seriously, since Hurricane Hannah passed through a few weeks ago, we have not had a chance to dry out. And while I am thankful that we are not in a drought, I must also confess that I am pretty sick of the rain!
I love the sun and the outdoors...and when we built our house a few years back, we made sure we picked a house plan with the perfect veranda on the back, so that I could sit out and enjoy the lake and the animals all year is my little paradise here on Earth! Each year we try to do or add something to the back yard. Last summer we added comfy outdoor furniture, so that we could all sit out there as a family. This year we enhanced the landscaping by adding an additional stone patio (thanks to my talented son in law, Rodney!!) and also added 1003 (yes, we counted them)...landscape stones that outline our flower beds. It was a family project and everyone helped...and it turned out really beautiful!
The largest flower bed we added runs the entire length of the backyard. We decided to plant 14 confederate jasmine plants (one on each section of fence)...we just love the fact that they are evergreen and keep that sweet smelling little blossom most of the year here due to our mild climate....and thought they would be so beautiful climbing in and out of the slats of the fence.
By this phase of "Project Backyard 2008", the kids were pretty much done :), Mark and I took this endeavor on all by ourselves. We picked out the plants, dug the holes, added the fertilizer, planted each one...carefully...keeping their existing root system in tact....hooked up the sprinkler system to each plant....and finally, covered the bed with straw. We left the rest to the Lord, and stepped back and watched them grow and bloom all summer long!
The summer of 2008 seemed to fly was a summer of was a whirlwind of things to do, places to see (Alaska was INCREDIBLE)...and problems to solve.....but more than anything, I do believe it was a summer of growth...personal, emotional, and spiritual growth....for every member of our family.
This afternoon, after the rain FINALLY slacked off, Mark and I took our puppies out in the backyard...just to let them run and play....they have been cramped up in the house for what seems like days! While we were out there, Mark commented on the confederate jasmines that we planted on the fence. He said he had hoped they would have grown more, and covered more of the fence. We sat there and discussed the plants...discussing what we could have possibly done differently....but came to the conclusion that we did all we knew how to do, and would just have to be patient...hoping they would cover the fence in their own sweet time!
Mark headed back inside, and I walked back over to the flower bed....and I noticed something....there were numerous long vines of the confederate jasmines that were growing into the hedge on the other side of the fence. This sparked my, I started investigating.....I unraveled, pulled, dug and twisted the vines that had grown into the took me a while but I eventually "untangled" numerous vines, from all 14 plants....some of the vines were close to twenty feet long!! I took the vines that I had untangled from the hedge, and gently wrapped and guided them in and out of the fence posts....they were so long that we now have confederate jasmine, uninterrupted....from one end of the fence to the other! I quickly, and proudly called Mark back into the yard to show him...."See, they were growing like mad, all along, we just could not see them because they got caught up the the massive hedge!!" We were so proud of our vines!
Mark went back inside, and I just stood there...looking at the newly rearranged vines...and it occurred to me, that growing these vines seemed an awful lot like parenting our teenagers!! Listen closely....Just like Mark and I planted those vines...we have worked hard from day one to parent together, did everything possible to plant our kids in God's word, we made sure that we fed and watered them, we did everything we knew to do...and they still did not grow in the exact direction we planned for them to grow!! As they were older teens, we often got frustrated, and yes, sometimes, a little scared....not knowing what exactly to do, but trusting GOD to do what only He could do! (Just to set the record kids are not bad kids...they are great kids...they are just normal kids!)
And there was a season (with both our kids) where we saw little, if any, spiritual growth. However....just because we did not see it....did not mean it was not did not mean that God was not growing them.....their vines were just getting caught up the the "Massive Hedge" that we call the world!
And with God's help, this past summer especially, we have seen those long vines that were tangled up in the vastness of the world, become unraveled....and slowly, but surely, God is wrapping them and guiding them into the light....where they can be seen more clearly and grow more beautifully. We are so proud of our kids!
So how's it "growing" with you? I know I've got a few "wild growing vines" of my own that could probably benefit from some gentle redirecting....if not they could easily get out of control and take root onto a hedge where they have no business growing!!!
I think I will use God's Word as my fence post....His holy spirit to gently shape and entwine me.....and of course...we know Jesus is "The Light of the World".... and all healthy vines need sonlight :)
Happy Gardening, Y'all!
I love the sun and the outdoors...and when we built our house a few years back, we made sure we picked a house plan with the perfect veranda on the back, so that I could sit out and enjoy the lake and the animals all year is my little paradise here on Earth! Each year we try to do or add something to the back yard. Last summer we added comfy outdoor furniture, so that we could all sit out there as a family. This year we enhanced the landscaping by adding an additional stone patio (thanks to my talented son in law, Rodney!!) and also added 1003 (yes, we counted them)...landscape stones that outline our flower beds. It was a family project and everyone helped...and it turned out really beautiful!
The largest flower bed we added runs the entire length of the backyard. We decided to plant 14 confederate jasmine plants (one on each section of fence)...we just love the fact that they are evergreen and keep that sweet smelling little blossom most of the year here due to our mild climate....and thought they would be so beautiful climbing in and out of the slats of the fence.
By this phase of "Project Backyard 2008", the kids were pretty much done :), Mark and I took this endeavor on all by ourselves. We picked out the plants, dug the holes, added the fertilizer, planted each one...carefully...keeping their existing root system in tact....hooked up the sprinkler system to each plant....and finally, covered the bed with straw. We left the rest to the Lord, and stepped back and watched them grow and bloom all summer long!
The summer of 2008 seemed to fly was a summer of was a whirlwind of things to do, places to see (Alaska was INCREDIBLE)...and problems to solve.....but more than anything, I do believe it was a summer of growth...personal, emotional, and spiritual growth....for every member of our family.
This afternoon, after the rain FINALLY slacked off, Mark and I took our puppies out in the backyard...just to let them run and play....they have been cramped up in the house for what seems like days! While we were out there, Mark commented on the confederate jasmines that we planted on the fence. He said he had hoped they would have grown more, and covered more of the fence. We sat there and discussed the plants...discussing what we could have possibly done differently....but came to the conclusion that we did all we knew how to do, and would just have to be patient...hoping they would cover the fence in their own sweet time!
Mark headed back inside, and I walked back over to the flower bed....and I noticed something....there were numerous long vines of the confederate jasmines that were growing into the hedge on the other side of the fence. This sparked my, I started investigating.....I unraveled, pulled, dug and twisted the vines that had grown into the took me a while but I eventually "untangled" numerous vines, from all 14 plants....some of the vines were close to twenty feet long!! I took the vines that I had untangled from the hedge, and gently wrapped and guided them in and out of the fence posts....they were so long that we now have confederate jasmine, uninterrupted....from one end of the fence to the other! I quickly, and proudly called Mark back into the yard to show him...."See, they were growing like mad, all along, we just could not see them because they got caught up the the massive hedge!!" We were so proud of our vines!
Mark went back inside, and I just stood there...looking at the newly rearranged vines...and it occurred to me, that growing these vines seemed an awful lot like parenting our teenagers!! Listen closely....Just like Mark and I planted those vines...we have worked hard from day one to parent together, did everything possible to plant our kids in God's word, we made sure that we fed and watered them, we did everything we knew to do...and they still did not grow in the exact direction we planned for them to grow!! As they were older teens, we often got frustrated, and yes, sometimes, a little scared....not knowing what exactly to do, but trusting GOD to do what only He could do! (Just to set the record kids are not bad kids...they are great kids...they are just normal kids!)
And there was a season (with both our kids) where we saw little, if any, spiritual growth. However....just because we did not see it....did not mean it was not did not mean that God was not growing them.....their vines were just getting caught up the the "Massive Hedge" that we call the world!
And with God's help, this past summer especially, we have seen those long vines that were tangled up in the vastness of the world, become unraveled....and slowly, but surely, God is wrapping them and guiding them into the light....where they can be seen more clearly and grow more beautifully. We are so proud of our kids!
So how's it "growing" with you? I know I've got a few "wild growing vines" of my own that could probably benefit from some gentle redirecting....if not they could easily get out of control and take root onto a hedge where they have no business growing!!!
I think I will use God's Word as my fence post....His holy spirit to gently shape and entwine me.....and of course...we know Jesus is "The Light of the World".... and all healthy vines need sonlight :)
Happy Gardening, Y'all!
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Problem With Pedestals
We all have personal heros in our lives. People who have left an indelible mark on our souls based on the outstanding way that they live their lives. They are people who we tend to look up to, want to be like, and put our faith and trust in daily. Unfortunately, and quite often, without realizing it....we place them up on pedestals. I am not implying, in anyway, that we worship them like God....but rather that we create a standard for them, in our minds, and believe that they should always live up to that expectation. Being the "people person" that I am, I have accrued many personal heros in my lifetime!
There are, of course, those that are my "Spiritual Giants"....they know the Word of God backwards and forwards, and they apply it in their lives everyday. They are the people who I want praying for me, teaching me and who I know I can go to if I have some huge spiritual conflict or question. They are most often deeply anchored and respected in our churches and our communities. Some are quite famous, but some are gentle, soft spoken giants who have never written a book or made a bible study video.
Some of my heros are "Relationship Giants" know the ones that can maintain great marital, parental and social relationships with what seems like little effort or stress....they remember to send Birthday cards out on time, they work out a way to be at all the soccer games of every child, they know just the right thing to say or do, they exercise, eat right, and love Jesus. Their mate loves them dearly, their kids adore them, and everyone wants to be their friend. They are great communicators and the love they offer is genuine, not offered based on self gain.
I also have a few heros that I can best categorize as " Fighter Giants"....that's right....they never give up, no matter how poor the odds. These giants have gone though life circumstances that we all pray never come our way....and beat the odds! They have battled cancer and survived it, they have experienced infidelity in their marriage and fought hard to save it, they have unexpectedly loss a child and have battled their deepest hurts and have picked up the pieces and moved forward.
These are just a few of the many folks, that I consider my heros, who impact my daily walk without ever knowing it. They probably have no clue that they are my heros. I am not sure why I do not tell them that they are....I think it is the whole "putting someone up on a pedestal" idea. The problem I have with pedestals is that no matter how awesome and deserving the person on them has become, there is only one direction to go from the top of that pedestal....and that is down.....and due to our humanness....falling off is not only possible, but probable.
We have all seen beloved pastors, political leaders, community leaders, doctors, entertainers, and countless others that often get placed up on a pedestal, take a nasty plunge. There is great pressure at the top.....and I think Satan likes to play there. He knows he can do much harm, not only to the person who stumbles off the pedestal, but also to the many who placed them up there in the first place! This premise is exponentially worse if the person is a known believer and follower of God. The world derives great pleasure, for whatever warped reason, pointing out and calling someone a hypocrite.
I have felt the disappointment of having someone that I placed on a pedestal fall off. I have also felt the sting of being the one on the pedestal that takes the inevitable dive....It hurts on both ends.
Therefore, I opt to keep my spiritual, relational, and fighter giants off the pedestal. That doesn't mean that I do not look up to them...not at just means that I keep them in the trenches with me. Knowing that if I fall, they will pick me up, and if they fall, they do not have such a long trip down! And where ever they land, I will be prepared to offer them grace, love and forgiveness....just like Jesus does for me everyday.
And guess what.....I know some of "my giants" read my blog.....have fun figuring out who you are!!
By the way, I do have one person on my pedestal....his name is Jesus, and He will never fall.
Blessings Y'all!
There are, of course, those that are my "Spiritual Giants"....they know the Word of God backwards and forwards, and they apply it in their lives everyday. They are the people who I want praying for me, teaching me and who I know I can go to if I have some huge spiritual conflict or question. They are most often deeply anchored and respected in our churches and our communities. Some are quite famous, but some are gentle, soft spoken giants who have never written a book or made a bible study video.
Some of my heros are "Relationship Giants" know the ones that can maintain great marital, parental and social relationships with what seems like little effort or stress....they remember to send Birthday cards out on time, they work out a way to be at all the soccer games of every child, they know just the right thing to say or do, they exercise, eat right, and love Jesus. Their mate loves them dearly, their kids adore them, and everyone wants to be their friend. They are great communicators and the love they offer is genuine, not offered based on self gain.
I also have a few heros that I can best categorize as " Fighter Giants"....that's right....they never give up, no matter how poor the odds. These giants have gone though life circumstances that we all pray never come our way....and beat the odds! They have battled cancer and survived it, they have experienced infidelity in their marriage and fought hard to save it, they have unexpectedly loss a child and have battled their deepest hurts and have picked up the pieces and moved forward.
These are just a few of the many folks, that I consider my heros, who impact my daily walk without ever knowing it. They probably have no clue that they are my heros. I am not sure why I do not tell them that they are....I think it is the whole "putting someone up on a pedestal" idea. The problem I have with pedestals is that no matter how awesome and deserving the person on them has become, there is only one direction to go from the top of that pedestal....and that is down.....and due to our humanness....falling off is not only possible, but probable.
We have all seen beloved pastors, political leaders, community leaders, doctors, entertainers, and countless others that often get placed up on a pedestal, take a nasty plunge. There is great pressure at the top.....and I think Satan likes to play there. He knows he can do much harm, not only to the person who stumbles off the pedestal, but also to the many who placed them up there in the first place! This premise is exponentially worse if the person is a known believer and follower of God. The world derives great pleasure, for whatever warped reason, pointing out and calling someone a hypocrite.
I have felt the disappointment of having someone that I placed on a pedestal fall off. I have also felt the sting of being the one on the pedestal that takes the inevitable dive....It hurts on both ends.
Therefore, I opt to keep my spiritual, relational, and fighter giants off the pedestal. That doesn't mean that I do not look up to them...not at just means that I keep them in the trenches with me. Knowing that if I fall, they will pick me up, and if they fall, they do not have such a long trip down! And where ever they land, I will be prepared to offer them grace, love and forgiveness....just like Jesus does for me everyday.
And guess what.....I know some of "my giants" read my blog.....have fun figuring out who you are!!
By the way, I do have one person on my pedestal....his name is Jesus, and He will never fall.
Blessings Y'all!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tips and Confessions of a Funeral Singer
Hey Y'all! A few post back I shared with you about my obsessive need to check obituaries....If this is your first visit to my blog PLEASE don't automatically hit the back key and exit! While I will be the first to express that I am rather quirky....I will also stand behind the premise that I am alot of fun amidst the quirk! So stay with me here......Having said that, today I will be talking, in part, about funerals.
When you are an active soloist in any church body, chances are you will be asked to sing at a funeral...or two...or possibly many more.....If I had to guess, Mark and/or I have sung at more than most folks.....I would guess 50 or more. And let me just say right here....It is a great honor to be asked. To be included by the family to celebrate the life and homegoing of a loved one is truly such an honor and a blessing.....It is also one of the hardest parts of ministry.....especially if you are "a crier" at funerals....and I am.
Most of the time, I hold it together pretty well......and luckily, the majority of funeral service orders have the soloist singing the beginning, before the Pastor has eulogized or the family member has read a poem or letter (that one ALWAYS get me going)...before having to sit there and watch the family struggle and mourn. In case you have never thought about it, the soloist usually is placed in a position where the family can see and hear the songs being sung....which means the soloist also has a front row seat to see every face, every tear, every emotional struggle of every member of the it is kind of heart wrenching to say the least. If you know the family or the deceased personally, that makes it even more difficult.
Despite the difficulty, I still feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity! I have learned so much about the people and the families who entrusted me to be a part of the funerals...and believe it or not, sometimes, I have learned alot about myself....many of the things I have learned are techniques that will keep me from crying, so that I can still do what they have asked me to do for them (sing)!
Things I have learned that help me stay composed at funerals:
(AKA: Tips for Blubbering Funeral Singers)
1. If I am about to "bust a blubber fit", I can start counting the number of flowers in each arrangement, and if that does not work, I start doing math equations in my head....something like...17 mums in arrangement one, 12 roses in arrangement two.....add them, divide them, do a ratio of arrangements based on the left to right side of of the casket....usually gets my mind in analytical mode vs. emotional mode....
2. I can look over the heads of the family members and it still looks like I am singing to them....
3. Every family group has a "kooky cousin or aunt", you can spot them by their attire, so that takes my mind to a different place if needed.
4. All I have to do is think about not being able to get up and go to the ladies room, ....and then I feel like I really need to go.....Yes, it is somewhat self torture....but an overactive bladder has saved me from having overactive tear ducts if all other attempts to "keep it together" have failed. As a precautionary prep, I gird myself with protection by "Poise", as I always hydrate well before singing at a funeral.
Believe it or not....the most valuable thing I have ever learned at a funeral was taught to me at a funeral I was not singing for.....Mark and I were in the congregation. One of our dear friends, who also works in our company, lost his Mom somewhat unexpectedly. Mark and I traveled to Virgina, his family's home state, to show our support and love and to extend our sympathies to him and his family.
It was Christmas time, and the small community church was decorated beautifully in celebration of Christ's birth. I was sitting there thinking how difficult it must be to bury a loved one at Christmas time, when I heard the doors open. We stood as the family came in....His Dad, who was also very ill and in the last stages of his fight against cancer was in a wheel chair and had to be pushed to the first row, by a family member. It was very emotional.
It was the sweetest funeral I have ever attended. I bawled like a baby....and I had never met or laid eyes on Mrs. Burgess! The funeral was a great tribute to a life spent as a servant to the was praise and honor and worship! To see the very ill Dad lifting his hands in praise to his Creator during the worship songs, as he sat there in his wheelchair, was almost more than I could was GENUINE could see could feel was as close to the throne of God as I had ever was that special.
So what did I learn, you ask? I think Mark Batterson said it best in chapter four of "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day". (Which is a MUST read for everyone.) He says, "Worship is forgetting about what's wrong with you, and remembering what's right with God"! .....Read that again.....isn't that awesome!
Worship should be continual, it should not be based on what we feel, where we are, or what circumstances we find ourselves amid. Paul and Silas worshipped in jail. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed–nego, worshipped in a fiery furnace. And Mr. Burgess worshipped in a wheelchair, knowing that the love of his life was no longer here on earth, and that his days, too, were limited due to his disease.
I wish I could say I was able to worship like that all the time......but I am being honest here, and I feel like most of you can relate....that sometimes life just takes our focus off the big picture, and we get fixated on what is wrong with today. Listen closely my friend....we are missing out when we do that!!
Thanks to a funeral, I have experienced Genuine Worship in it's rawest form...and I crave it....I cannot get the taste of it out of my mouth.....
May worship always be at the tip of our tongues! Keeping our eyes and hearts on the big picture. No counting flowers or scoping out kooky family members.....And if I blubber like an idiot, so be it.....but I do hope, however, I can control the overactive bladder.
Wishing Genuine Worship for us all Y'all!
When you are an active soloist in any church body, chances are you will be asked to sing at a funeral...or two...or possibly many more.....If I had to guess, Mark and/or I have sung at more than most folks.....I would guess 50 or more. And let me just say right here....It is a great honor to be asked. To be included by the family to celebrate the life and homegoing of a loved one is truly such an honor and a blessing.....It is also one of the hardest parts of ministry.....especially if you are "a crier" at funerals....and I am.
Most of the time, I hold it together pretty well......and luckily, the majority of funeral service orders have the soloist singing the beginning, before the Pastor has eulogized or the family member has read a poem or letter (that one ALWAYS get me going)...before having to sit there and watch the family struggle and mourn. In case you have never thought about it, the soloist usually is placed in a position where the family can see and hear the songs being sung....which means the soloist also has a front row seat to see every face, every tear, every emotional struggle of every member of the it is kind of heart wrenching to say the least. If you know the family or the deceased personally, that makes it even more difficult.
Despite the difficulty, I still feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity! I have learned so much about the people and the families who entrusted me to be a part of the funerals...and believe it or not, sometimes, I have learned alot about myself....many of the things I have learned are techniques that will keep me from crying, so that I can still do what they have asked me to do for them (sing)!
Things I have learned that help me stay composed at funerals:
(AKA: Tips for Blubbering Funeral Singers)
1. If I am about to "bust a blubber fit", I can start counting the number of flowers in each arrangement, and if that does not work, I start doing math equations in my head....something like...17 mums in arrangement one, 12 roses in arrangement two.....add them, divide them, do a ratio of arrangements based on the left to right side of of the casket....usually gets my mind in analytical mode vs. emotional mode....
2. I can look over the heads of the family members and it still looks like I am singing to them....
3. Every family group has a "kooky cousin or aunt", you can spot them by their attire, so that takes my mind to a different place if needed.
4. All I have to do is think about not being able to get up and go to the ladies room, ....and then I feel like I really need to go.....Yes, it is somewhat self torture....but an overactive bladder has saved me from having overactive tear ducts if all other attempts to "keep it together" have failed. As a precautionary prep, I gird myself with protection by "Poise", as I always hydrate well before singing at a funeral.
Believe it or not....the most valuable thing I have ever learned at a funeral was taught to me at a funeral I was not singing for.....Mark and I were in the congregation. One of our dear friends, who also works in our company, lost his Mom somewhat unexpectedly. Mark and I traveled to Virgina, his family's home state, to show our support and love and to extend our sympathies to him and his family.
It was Christmas time, and the small community church was decorated beautifully in celebration of Christ's birth. I was sitting there thinking how difficult it must be to bury a loved one at Christmas time, when I heard the doors open. We stood as the family came in....His Dad, who was also very ill and in the last stages of his fight against cancer was in a wheel chair and had to be pushed to the first row, by a family member. It was very emotional.
It was the sweetest funeral I have ever attended. I bawled like a baby....and I had never met or laid eyes on Mrs. Burgess! The funeral was a great tribute to a life spent as a servant to the was praise and honor and worship! To see the very ill Dad lifting his hands in praise to his Creator during the worship songs, as he sat there in his wheelchair, was almost more than I could was GENUINE could see could feel was as close to the throne of God as I had ever was that special.
So what did I learn, you ask? I think Mark Batterson said it best in chapter four of "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day". (Which is a MUST read for everyone.) He says, "Worship is forgetting about what's wrong with you, and remembering what's right with God"! .....Read that again.....isn't that awesome!
Worship should be continual, it should not be based on what we feel, where we are, or what circumstances we find ourselves amid. Paul and Silas worshipped in jail. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed–nego, worshipped in a fiery furnace. And Mr. Burgess worshipped in a wheelchair, knowing that the love of his life was no longer here on earth, and that his days, too, were limited due to his disease.
I wish I could say I was able to worship like that all the time......but I am being honest here, and I feel like most of you can relate....that sometimes life just takes our focus off the big picture, and we get fixated on what is wrong with today. Listen closely my friend....we are missing out when we do that!!
Thanks to a funeral, I have experienced Genuine Worship in it's rawest form...and I crave it....I cannot get the taste of it out of my mouth.....
May worship always be at the tip of our tongues! Keeping our eyes and hearts on the big picture. No counting flowers or scoping out kooky family members.....And if I blubber like an idiot, so be it.....but I do hope, however, I can control the overactive bladder.
Wishing Genuine Worship for us all Y'all!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Crossing Wires in the Windy City
The first time I ever visited Chicago was in the Spring of 1995. Our artist relations manager flew me out there for some shopping....she wanted to find some cute duds for me for the upcoming album cover, and also to check out a few carousels.....we were thinking we might want to do the actual cover shoot on a merry-go-round, and there was one in particular in the Windy City that she wanted us to check out. Sounded fun to me!
So we spent several days working, and also found some time for sightseeing and other fun touristy stuff. The night before I was to head back home, we hopped on the El (a cross between a subway and a monorail) and headed downtown Chicago for one last night. Somehow, I still do not know if we got on the wrong train or if we were just yapping and missed our stop....(probably the latter)....but we ended up lost....the train stopped, everybody was off...but us. Upon stopping, there came an announcement via the speakers that this was the "end of the line, please exit". HELLO???
We looked out the window, and below us we could see these groups of people wearing matching colors with kerchiefs tied on their arms, heads, etc....I thought they must have been having a theme party.....or a bond fire....there were trash cans full of flames....maybe a weenie roast???... I had never seen a gang before....
"Those are gangs", my friend nonchalantly said.....and I quickly realized she was not talking about a gang that belonged to "Spanky"!! She just sat there looking out the window, ....She was from the west coast....I was from the Pee Dee.
Oh, and did I mention , we had no cell phone reception either.
Begin Southern Hissy Fit.
The Steel Magnolia within, hopped right up, and headed for the door that fed into the car in front of us....upon entering the next car, I saw a uniformed train worker....Momma always said if you get lost, find a man in uniform, right??
"What ARE you doing?" my friend, who was reluctantly following behind me asked. I told her I was going to find somebody that could take my fanny home.....or at least to the hotel...... Somebody who had a phone or walkie talkie or maybe a gun.....
The train worker was actually a clean up gun...but he did have a two way radio...and so he let the engineer (or whatever you call the man who drives the El) know he had two lost ladies....and he added..."One of them is "Southern"". (Note to self, the Southern Drawl is amplified during a Southern Hissy Fit.) Not really sure if he found that as a threat or if it was a derogatory tag he placed upon me, either got the attention of the person who could drive the stinky tin box I was trapped in far and away from "gangland"! Within a few minutes, we were on our way.
Why is it that two women, both educated equally, both believers, working in the same industry, in the same situation would react in two totally different ways? She sat, I stood up.....I wonder? It is probable, to suppose that the clean up man would have made his way to our car next, discovered us and made the call to the train driver...but at the moment I stood up to take action, neither of us knew there was even someone in the other neither reaction was based on knowing there was help with in hearing distance. Our goal was the same, our methods quite different.
Bottom line....Gods word says " I knitted you in your Mother's Womb"....So, obviously He wires us each so differently for His purpose! Can you imagine the intricacy of all that wiring!! I know I personally, must be one huge, knotted bundle, mess of wires :) He must have had a "Heavenly Red Bull" the morning he wired me up! But I am sure glad He did.
Psalm 139:14 says "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
So I praise Him, right now for every wire He hooked up in me. Even the one I hate that makes me a little "pushy" sometimes! Knowing that He who made me and put in the initial wiring, is the best person to do any "re-wiring" needed, should I blow a circuit.
What ever your circuitry.....always remember He drew the electrical blue print precisely how He wanted you to be.
If you must blow a fuse....blow it for Jesus :)
Electrifying Blessings Y'all!
So we spent several days working, and also found some time for sightseeing and other fun touristy stuff. The night before I was to head back home, we hopped on the El (a cross between a subway and a monorail) and headed downtown Chicago for one last night. Somehow, I still do not know if we got on the wrong train or if we were just yapping and missed our stop....(probably the latter)....but we ended up lost....the train stopped, everybody was off...but us. Upon stopping, there came an announcement via the speakers that this was the "end of the line, please exit". HELLO???
We looked out the window, and below us we could see these groups of people wearing matching colors with kerchiefs tied on their arms, heads, etc....I thought they must have been having a theme party.....or a bond fire....there were trash cans full of flames....maybe a weenie roast???... I had never seen a gang before....
"Those are gangs", my friend nonchalantly said.....and I quickly realized she was not talking about a gang that belonged to "Spanky"!! She just sat there looking out the window, ....She was from the west coast....I was from the Pee Dee.
Oh, and did I mention , we had no cell phone reception either.
Begin Southern Hissy Fit.
The Steel Magnolia within, hopped right up, and headed for the door that fed into the car in front of us....upon entering the next car, I saw a uniformed train worker....Momma always said if you get lost, find a man in uniform, right??
"What ARE you doing?" my friend, who was reluctantly following behind me asked. I told her I was going to find somebody that could take my fanny home.....or at least to the hotel...... Somebody who had a phone or walkie talkie or maybe a gun.....
The train worker was actually a clean up gun...but he did have a two way radio...and so he let the engineer (or whatever you call the man who drives the El) know he had two lost ladies....and he added..."One of them is "Southern"". (Note to self, the Southern Drawl is amplified during a Southern Hissy Fit.) Not really sure if he found that as a threat or if it was a derogatory tag he placed upon me, either got the attention of the person who could drive the stinky tin box I was trapped in far and away from "gangland"! Within a few minutes, we were on our way.
Why is it that two women, both educated equally, both believers, working in the same industry, in the same situation would react in two totally different ways? She sat, I stood up.....I wonder? It is probable, to suppose that the clean up man would have made his way to our car next, discovered us and made the call to the train driver...but at the moment I stood up to take action, neither of us knew there was even someone in the other neither reaction was based on knowing there was help with in hearing distance. Our goal was the same, our methods quite different.
Bottom line....Gods word says " I knitted you in your Mother's Womb"....So, obviously He wires us each so differently for His purpose! Can you imagine the intricacy of all that wiring!! I know I personally, must be one huge, knotted bundle, mess of wires :) He must have had a "Heavenly Red Bull" the morning he wired me up! But I am sure glad He did.
Psalm 139:14 says "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
So I praise Him, right now for every wire He hooked up in me. Even the one I hate that makes me a little "pushy" sometimes! Knowing that He who made me and put in the initial wiring, is the best person to do any "re-wiring" needed, should I blow a circuit.
What ever your circuitry.....always remember He drew the electrical blue print precisely how He wanted you to be.
If you must blow a fuse....blow it for Jesus :)
Electrifying Blessings Y'all!
Friday, September 5, 2008
He's the Weatherman.....
So, here I sit....with my computer in my lap, my dogs snuggled close beside me, a very scrumptious smelling pot of Lucky Spaghetti #8 (see earlier post) on the stove, and the rain coming down. Tropical storm Hanna twirling and hurling her outer bands of rain in our direction. Like most in our area, I have kept the television on and the Internet up, constantly checking her status. So much media coverage...gotta love technology!!
Having made the obligatory journey to the grocery store and gas station earlier in the day, (amidst hoards of others doing the same), I had most of this afternoon to simply take it easy and wait. Would she gain strength and become a category 1 Hurricane? Would she make land fall near our condo at Litchfield? And what about Hurricane Ike..Yikes!! Taking my "Worry Wart" tendencies into consideration, I am doing pretty well... Maybe because I not only listened to Pastor Bill's sermon this past Wednesday night, but maybe I am actually applying it!! God is in control...of even the most minute I am sure a weather event the size of Hanna garners His attention :)
I often find myself, lately, quoting a line from one of my favorite Keith Green Songs....."....I'll just keep doing my best, pray that its blessed, and He'll take care of the rest....yes, the Lord said He'll take care of the rest....." So, today...I did my best....I started my day off with prayer and a quiet time with the Lord....I accessed the situation of the day before me, did my part by preparing my home and belongings and family to do what I could to keep us safe....I did my best......and now, I am trusting Him to take care of the rest.....
Interestingly enough, as the chorus of the song continues to fade, Keith sings...." Yeah, He'll take care of the rest, He'll see you through it....(and he throws in this cute little echo....)....He's the weather man....".....I'm thinking the Lord might have had Keith do that just for me :).....After all He is the Lord of even the most minute detail!!
I praise Him in the storm.....even when her name is Hanna, or Ike , or Josephine, or........
Showers of Blessings, Ya'll!
Having made the obligatory journey to the grocery store and gas station earlier in the day, (amidst hoards of others doing the same), I had most of this afternoon to simply take it easy and wait. Would she gain strength and become a category 1 Hurricane? Would she make land fall near our condo at Litchfield? And what about Hurricane Ike..Yikes!! Taking my "Worry Wart" tendencies into consideration, I am doing pretty well... Maybe because I not only listened to Pastor Bill's sermon this past Wednesday night, but maybe I am actually applying it!! God is in control...of even the most minute I am sure a weather event the size of Hanna garners His attention :)
I often find myself, lately, quoting a line from one of my favorite Keith Green Songs....."....I'll just keep doing my best, pray that its blessed, and He'll take care of the rest....yes, the Lord said He'll take care of the rest....." So, today...I did my best....I started my day off with prayer and a quiet time with the Lord....I accessed the situation of the day before me, did my part by preparing my home and belongings and family to do what I could to keep us safe....I did my best......and now, I am trusting Him to take care of the rest.....
Interestingly enough, as the chorus of the song continues to fade, Keith sings...." Yeah, He'll take care of the rest, He'll see you through it....(and he throws in this cute little echo....)....He's the weather man....".....I'm thinking the Lord might have had Keith do that just for me :).....After all He is the Lord of even the most minute detail!!
I praise Him in the storm.....even when her name is Hanna, or Ike , or Josephine, or........
Showers of Blessings, Ya'll!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tennis, Anyone??
I love watching tennis! Notice I said watching, not playing. Not that I would really know, as I have never actually played tennis.....Unless you count the Wii...I did play a few games....and was doing pretty well...until...well.... let's just say I kinda got caught up in the game....and I was swinging my Wii racket like a WILD woman...(as if swinging harder would actually help me play better in a video game)....And as a result, I hit my friend smack dab in the top of her head....full force...I'm talking I could almost see the stars and tweedy birds flying around her poor little battered noggin... (I truly am sorry Cindy! The huge knot was not THAT noticeable!)...and I still missed the game point!! I also woke up the next morning with a horrible, acute case of "tennis shoulder"!! I can only imagine what I could hurt if they let me loose on a real tennis court with a real racket and real people! SCARE-REE!!
I got caught up into "spectator tennis" by default. Both of my babies were late summer babies (1987 and 1989) in that first month of life, where all they seem to do is was too hot to take such a small infant out, so I spent much of my time in front of the the TV, nursing. Mark, my husband, played tennis at the time, and so he started watching the US Open.
"Tennis?? Yuck!!!, Nooooooo", I think was my exact post-partum reply. But I had sat there for what seemed liked days upon days...and had seen most everything I wanted to see, so I let him turn the channel..... I initially only agreed to watch it because I thought Andre Agassi was really hot! But like any good sporting event....if you start to learn the rules and the players, you can easily be "sucked into" the sport....and in no time, I was! I eagerly looked forward to the baby's next feeding! (I think Josh tripled his birth weight before his 3 month check up due to my allowing extended feedings during The Open!)
So by default, (and a little force from my hubby), I ventured down a trail I had no intention of ever trodding....I just knew I would hate it... but, after I quit spitting and complaining,...guess what...I LOVED it!
Many things have changed in the last two decades.....My babies are not nursing anymore....Mark can't seem to find time to play tennis, and Andre Agassi cut his hair!!!! (Completely slashed his "hotness" factor in half for me :).....and I do not particularly like long hair on men...go figure???) But here's the cool thing....I still love to watch tennis and have not missed a US Open or Wimbledon in 21 years!! And to think I would have missed all that enjoyment if it had been left to my own likings and my own design!
Are you feeling forced or trapped into a particular situation in your life right now? Are you taking an unplanned "rabbit trail" that was in no way on your life map and are wondering why? I encourage you to talk to God about it....ask Him what it is you are supposed to be learning...or better yet...ask Him to show you what blessing He has in store for you as you walk along that undesired path. He's right there with you every step of the way.
Gotta scoot...Andy Roddick is down in the third set!!
I sure am thankful God is always in my court.....
Game point, Y'all!
I got caught up into "spectator tennis" by default. Both of my babies were late summer babies (1987 and 1989) in that first month of life, where all they seem to do is was too hot to take such a small infant out, so I spent much of my time in front of the the TV, nursing. Mark, my husband, played tennis at the time, and so he started watching the US Open.
"Tennis?? Yuck!!!, Nooooooo", I think was my exact post-partum reply. But I had sat there for what seemed liked days upon days...and had seen most everything I wanted to see, so I let him turn the channel..... I initially only agreed to watch it because I thought Andre Agassi was really hot! But like any good sporting event....if you start to learn the rules and the players, you can easily be "sucked into" the sport....and in no time, I was! I eagerly looked forward to the baby's next feeding! (I think Josh tripled his birth weight before his 3 month check up due to my allowing extended feedings during The Open!)
So by default, (and a little force from my hubby), I ventured down a trail I had no intention of ever trodding....I just knew I would hate it... but, after I quit spitting and complaining,...guess what...I LOVED it!
Many things have changed in the last two decades.....My babies are not nursing anymore....Mark can't seem to find time to play tennis, and Andre Agassi cut his hair!!!! (Completely slashed his "hotness" factor in half for me :).....and I do not particularly like long hair on men...go figure???) But here's the cool thing....I still love to watch tennis and have not missed a US Open or Wimbledon in 21 years!! And to think I would have missed all that enjoyment if it had been left to my own likings and my own design!
Are you feeling forced or trapped into a particular situation in your life right now? Are you taking an unplanned "rabbit trail" that was in no way on your life map and are wondering why? I encourage you to talk to God about it....ask Him what it is you are supposed to be learning...or better yet...ask Him to show you what blessing He has in store for you as you walk along that undesired path. He's right there with you every step of the way.
Gotta scoot...Andy Roddick is down in the third set!!
I sure am thankful God is always in my court.....
Game point, Y'all!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sisterhood of the Traveling Armor
When I was about 11, somewhere in that window of preadolescence where you don't know if you want to play Barbies or put on make up....I remember praying (being the good Baptist girl I was)...for 5 specific things: Straight teeth, boobies, a skinny body (as you can see from the first three on my prayer list, I must have played WAY too much Barbie), to live in a brick house, and to have a sister. (Seeing how my mother was post menopausal and unmarried, I am not sure exactly what I expected the Lord to do about that last one.) Looking back, I see how unrealistic, selfish, and non-kingdom building my prayer list was....but hey, I was give me a little slack!
Fast forward 35 years...and much to my surprise, I can truthfully say that God granted me everything on my list! Braces fixed the unattractive gap that was between my front teeth, the boobie thing..well, lets just say sometimes God gives you even MORE than you ask for..skinny body...(I have had that 3 times in my life, in 15 minute increments)...seriously...I have been thin...I just cannot seem to STAY thin..but God did allow me that request. He has blessed me and Mark with a beautiful brick home that is far finer than I ever imagined. And lastly...the sister thing....although I did not get a birth sister that shared the same chromosomes as I do...Again, God gave me so much more!! He gave me the opportunity to serve in Women's Ministry.
Women's Ministry has had a special place in my heart for many years now. Having served first on a Women's Ministry Team, and then having the awesome opportunity to be a Women's Ministry Leader for a few years, and now serving on the CBC Women's Ministry Team has enriched my life in unimaginable ways. Bible believing, God loving, on their knees praying, crock pot cooking Baptist Women are a rare (but powerful) breed.
Last night we had over 120 ladies who fed their families, lined up sitters, took time out of their busy lives (on a school night), and braved the after wrath of hurricane Faye to come to our Ladies Kick off. All ages, shapes, sizes, colors, occupations, and demographics were represented. Our theme was "Planting Seeds for a Bountiful Harvest"...and let me say...we have started out with one huge, beautiful bouquet!! I wish I could have talked with everyone at every table! Those I did get to spend a few minutes with, seemed to be having a great time. Eating, laughing, socializing...all the while hearing about all the great opportunities that lie ahead for the ladies of CBC this year. Bible studies, retreats, mentoring opportunities, missions, and other special events...I want to do them all!!! I want to get to know each and every hear their stories, share their tears and rejoice when they rejoice! I wanted sisters!!! God has given them to me.
Unlike the popular movie that is out right now about "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" (and as an aside...there is NO way one pair of jeans could possibly fit all four of those girls the same...most of us try on a hundred pair to find just one pair that feels right!!) unlike the movie where they share one lonely pair of jeans...our sisterhood shares a garment that is "One size fits all"..that being the Armor of God. We can all even wear it at the same time!!
The Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV)
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
The Armor of God Ladies!! Beats Gucci, Versace, or Chanel anyday.
It never says exactly how the pieces of armor are stitched together. I am sure they are held together by the saving blood and amazing grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus. But in my mind...when it comes to Women's ministry, I imagine in my limited little brain, that my armor is also kept securely together by well crafted stitches placed there by the ladies in my life,.... my sisters, who hand stitch me back together everyday with their prayers and support...who rush to my side to mend the cracks that occur when I get hit by the enemy or to repair the rips that occur when I get too big for my britches, and need a little help holding my armor together.
I challenge each of you who read this blog...not just my sisters at CBC... but any of my sisters in never underestimate the importance that even the smallest stitch makes!! A kind word, a heartfelt prayer, a hug outta nowhere, a phone call, a warm meal, a simple glance across the worship center that says..."I understand"...all are small....seemingly insignificant stitches that mean more than you may ever know. A little stitch here and there....sister, by sister, can mend the largest of wounds....that my sister, is Women's Ministry.
I love each of you and I thank God for answering the selfish prayer of a Barbie obsessed 11 year old, far beyond what she ever imagined or deserved.
Happy stitching, Y'all!
Fast forward 35 years...and much to my surprise, I can truthfully say that God granted me everything on my list! Braces fixed the unattractive gap that was between my front teeth, the boobie thing..well, lets just say sometimes God gives you even MORE than you ask for..skinny body...(I have had that 3 times in my life, in 15 minute increments)...seriously...I have been thin...I just cannot seem to STAY thin..but God did allow me that request. He has blessed me and Mark with a beautiful brick home that is far finer than I ever imagined. And lastly...the sister thing....although I did not get a birth sister that shared the same chromosomes as I do...Again, God gave me so much more!! He gave me the opportunity to serve in Women's Ministry.
Women's Ministry has had a special place in my heart for many years now. Having served first on a Women's Ministry Team, and then having the awesome opportunity to be a Women's Ministry Leader for a few years, and now serving on the CBC Women's Ministry Team has enriched my life in unimaginable ways. Bible believing, God loving, on their knees praying, crock pot cooking Baptist Women are a rare (but powerful) breed.
Last night we had over 120 ladies who fed their families, lined up sitters, took time out of their busy lives (on a school night), and braved the after wrath of hurricane Faye to come to our Ladies Kick off. All ages, shapes, sizes, colors, occupations, and demographics were represented. Our theme was "Planting Seeds for a Bountiful Harvest"...and let me say...we have started out with one huge, beautiful bouquet!! I wish I could have talked with everyone at every table! Those I did get to spend a few minutes with, seemed to be having a great time. Eating, laughing, socializing...all the while hearing about all the great opportunities that lie ahead for the ladies of CBC this year. Bible studies, retreats, mentoring opportunities, missions, and other special events...I want to do them all!!! I want to get to know each and every hear their stories, share their tears and rejoice when they rejoice! I wanted sisters!!! God has given them to me.
Unlike the popular movie that is out right now about "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" (and as an aside...there is NO way one pair of jeans could possibly fit all four of those girls the same...most of us try on a hundred pair to find just one pair that feels right!!) unlike the movie where they share one lonely pair of jeans...our sisterhood shares a garment that is "One size fits all"..that being the Armor of God. We can all even wear it at the same time!!
The Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV)
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
The Armor of God Ladies!! Beats Gucci, Versace, or Chanel anyday.
It never says exactly how the pieces of armor are stitched together. I am sure they are held together by the saving blood and amazing grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus. But in my mind...when it comes to Women's ministry, I imagine in my limited little brain, that my armor is also kept securely together by well crafted stitches placed there by the ladies in my life,.... my sisters, who hand stitch me back together everyday with their prayers and support...who rush to my side to mend the cracks that occur when I get hit by the enemy or to repair the rips that occur when I get too big for my britches, and need a little help holding my armor together.
I challenge each of you who read this blog...not just my sisters at CBC... but any of my sisters in never underestimate the importance that even the smallest stitch makes!! A kind word, a heartfelt prayer, a hug outta nowhere, a phone call, a warm meal, a simple glance across the worship center that says..."I understand"...all are small....seemingly insignificant stitches that mean more than you may ever know. A little stitch here and there....sister, by sister, can mend the largest of wounds....that my sister, is Women's Ministry.
I love each of you and I thank God for answering the selfish prayer of a Barbie obsessed 11 year old, far beyond what she ever imagined or deserved.
Happy stitching, Y'all!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Obsessions, Obituaries, and Old Friends
OK, so here is another sign that I am getting older.....I make sure to read the obituaries everyday. Yes, I admit it, I am an OOC (obsessive obituary checker)...Not to come across as morbid or anything....but I do try to read them everyday...(just another thing to add to my list of other OCD double checking that my car is locked....I have abused that poor little clicker to death!). But here's the deal....many of the parents of my friends are getting older and are going on to be with Jesus....and having lost my Mom a few years back, I realize how much it means to have folks there for you at such devastating times.
Because of the seemingly endless craziness of my life, my Aunt Sadie, whom I love dearly, also afflicted with OOC....actually hers is a little more advanced than mine and has progressed to MOOC (marathon obsessive obituary checker), usually calls me when she sees someone listed that I might know. She reads her paper promptly at 7am each morning.....and she knows I typically do not find time to get the paper out of my box until after dinner.....So unfortunately, there have been times that I have missed services due to my ORT (obituary reading tardiness)....Do people not understand how it throws all of us with OOC into a tailspin when the obituary is only in there for one day?
Well, she called me EARLY Wednesday morning, to let me know that one of my best friends from Junior High School had lost her Mom, and that her visitation was at 6pm that night. My heart just dropped....I knew Mrs. Ann had been ill, but I also had hoped that she would be able to fight the cancer....she was a petite little lady, but she was also a "ball of fire"...and if anyone could beat it, I knew Mrs. Ann was just the candidate! My heart ached for my dear friend.
Because it was a crazy day, I rearranged some meetings, put off some errands, and worked it out so that I could make it to the funeral home by 6pm. Luckily I made it back home in time to change and freshen up. On the way out the driveway, I hurriedly rushed to the paper box to check the obituary in order to make sure I went to the right funeral home.....(my aunt told me the right one, I just needed to feed the OCD monster within and check again)...and I am glad I did!!!
I am happy to say that MY Mrs. Ann is still alive and kicking....she is actually fighting for her life right now through a third round of chemo, SO Y'ALL PRAY FOR HER PLEASE!!!! And never fear, my dear Aunt Sadie has not lost her MOOC status....But by sheer coincidence, there was a Mrs. Ann with the same last name, who had a daughter with the same first name as my was just another family with similar names..... And while I am sad for their loss, and am so thankful for another day for my friend and her sweet Mom.
I immediately called my friend to let her know what happened....I knew she would want to tell Mrs.Ann....that they would both get a huge kick out of me and my "always in overdrive" self getting all "gussied up" and rushing to the funeral home to pay my respects! (Can you to the funeral home...signing the book....wondering why I did not know anyone...looking for my friend...not finding her...but still going through the line...paying my respects....and thinking....BOY, Mrs. Ann sure looks "different" but "nice".....It could have been a great disaster, given the circumstances and my big mouth!!)
Later that night, as I was taking off my make up, another memory of Mrs. Ann flooded my mind...she was the person who introduced me to the value of "good" make up...she used Mary Kay,....and on the nights I would spend at their house, Laura and I would always get a short sermonette on why it was important to clean your face properly and wear moisturizer. (Both of which I have continued to do to this day.) Mrs. Ann was always so kind....and such a blessing to me...I plan on telling her that face to face as soon as she can have visitors after this last round of chemo.
I hate the fact that I am obsessive/compulsive about locking doors, skin care and obituary reading but not about other things that are more keeping up with old friends, telling people how much they have meant and continue to mean to me....or better yet, what about making sure every person in my daily path knows Jesus. Now THERE is an obsession.
Unfortunately, my obsessive tendencies, while not curable...are here's to upgrading the things I am obsessive/compulsive about!
Let's all strive to be OC for JC!!
Blessings Y'all!
Because of the seemingly endless craziness of my life, my Aunt Sadie, whom I love dearly, also afflicted with OOC....actually hers is a little more advanced than mine and has progressed to MOOC (marathon obsessive obituary checker), usually calls me when she sees someone listed that I might know. She reads her paper promptly at 7am each morning.....and she knows I typically do not find time to get the paper out of my box until after dinner.....So unfortunately, there have been times that I have missed services due to my ORT (obituary reading tardiness)....Do people not understand how it throws all of us with OOC into a tailspin when the obituary is only in there for one day?
Well, she called me EARLY Wednesday morning, to let me know that one of my best friends from Junior High School had lost her Mom, and that her visitation was at 6pm that night. My heart just dropped....I knew Mrs. Ann had been ill, but I also had hoped that she would be able to fight the cancer....she was a petite little lady, but she was also a "ball of fire"...and if anyone could beat it, I knew Mrs. Ann was just the candidate! My heart ached for my dear friend.
Because it was a crazy day, I rearranged some meetings, put off some errands, and worked it out so that I could make it to the funeral home by 6pm. Luckily I made it back home in time to change and freshen up. On the way out the driveway, I hurriedly rushed to the paper box to check the obituary in order to make sure I went to the right funeral home.....(my aunt told me the right one, I just needed to feed the OCD monster within and check again)...and I am glad I did!!!
I am happy to say that MY Mrs. Ann is still alive and kicking....she is actually fighting for her life right now through a third round of chemo, SO Y'ALL PRAY FOR HER PLEASE!!!! And never fear, my dear Aunt Sadie has not lost her MOOC status....But by sheer coincidence, there was a Mrs. Ann with the same last name, who had a daughter with the same first name as my was just another family with similar names..... And while I am sad for their loss, and am so thankful for another day for my friend and her sweet Mom.
I immediately called my friend to let her know what happened....I knew she would want to tell Mrs.Ann....that they would both get a huge kick out of me and my "always in overdrive" self getting all "gussied up" and rushing to the funeral home to pay my respects! (Can you to the funeral home...signing the book....wondering why I did not know anyone...looking for my friend...not finding her...but still going through the line...paying my respects....and thinking....BOY, Mrs. Ann sure looks "different" but "nice".....It could have been a great disaster, given the circumstances and my big mouth!!)
Later that night, as I was taking off my make up, another memory of Mrs. Ann flooded my mind...she was the person who introduced me to the value of "good" make up...she used Mary Kay,....and on the nights I would spend at their house, Laura and I would always get a short sermonette on why it was important to clean your face properly and wear moisturizer. (Both of which I have continued to do to this day.) Mrs. Ann was always so kind....and such a blessing to me...I plan on telling her that face to face as soon as she can have visitors after this last round of chemo.
I hate the fact that I am obsessive/compulsive about locking doors, skin care and obituary reading but not about other things that are more keeping up with old friends, telling people how much they have meant and continue to mean to me....or better yet, what about making sure every person in my daily path knows Jesus. Now THERE is an obsession.
Unfortunately, my obsessive tendencies, while not curable...are here's to upgrading the things I am obsessive/compulsive about!
Let's all strive to be OC for JC!!
Blessings Y'all!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Melody is Twenty-One Today
It’s a Girl! I can still hear him say
Beautiful, pink, dark hair with a gentle wave
Our first glance, took our breath away
God’s blessed us so, in such a special way
Little Girl, as I watch her play
Hide and seek with little brother, her pig tails sway
Tickle me Daddy, then a story okay?
Little Princess and a brave Knight to save the day
Pretty Girl, almond eyes of sparkling grey
More a woman than a child as she drives away
School and a boyfriend to see to today
Choices call in fascinating ways
Gorgeous Girl, wore a white veil today
Can’t believe how quickly time slips away
Wise beyond her years in many ways
We’re so proud of the choices she’s made
She’s our Girl, we will always say
Beautiful, pink, dark hair with a gentle wave
Every glance still takes our breath away
God’s blessed us so in such a special way
~Happy 21st Birthday Melody! You will always be our little girl!
We love you so much and thank God for you everyday....
It’s a Girl! I can still hear him say
Beautiful, pink, dark hair with a gentle wave
Our first glance, took our breath away
God’s blessed us so, in such a special way
Little Girl, as I watch her play
Hide and seek with little brother, her pig tails sway
Tickle me Daddy, then a story okay?
Little Princess and a brave Knight to save the day
Pretty Girl, almond eyes of sparkling grey
More a woman than a child as she drives away
School and a boyfriend to see to today
Choices call in fascinating ways
Gorgeous Girl, wore a white veil today
Can’t believe how quickly time slips away
Wise beyond her years in many ways
We’re so proud of the choices she’s made
She’s our Girl, we will always say
Beautiful, pink, dark hair with a gentle wave
Every glance still takes our breath away
God’s blessed us so in such a special way
~Happy 21st Birthday Melody! You will always be our little girl!
We love you so much and thank God for you everyday....
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